True Believers….

  • dana.acker

    August 1, 2023 at 6:47 pm

    I don’t think there’s any contradiction or double standard here on Mike’s behalf, boymom2. The Feds ARE a corrupt criminal cartel and protection racket. They can do what they want and they don’t do what they don’t want with impunity. The FBI assassin who shot Randy Weaver’s unarmed wife Vicki in the face while holding her baby is still receiving his pension. That they make lawful arrests and prosecutions once and awhile, doesn’t make them Boy Scouts. As to Trump, he’s no Boy Scout either. That he’s getting what he (allegedly) deserves doesn’t absolve the Feds of all their evil deeds. Trump’s legal woes and their respective timings, no doubt, smell to high Heaven of the weaponizing and politicizing of Federal Law Enforcement, but Trump’s conduct smells just as bad. He’s far from being an innocent victim. But everyone in this whole sordid story (and every story in DC) is (allegedly) guilty of something. It’s one big, writhing, tangled up bucket of vipers, all biting one another and you can’t tell where one snake begins and another one ends. It’s like one of Hitler’s SS guards helping an old lady across the street in Berlin. It doesn’t make him a good guy; he’s still SS. And, if the charges against Trump are lawful and legit, it doesn’t make those carrying out their enforcement any less criminal and evil.

    • WaywardSon

      August 1, 2023 at 10:08 pm

      The SS analogy wraps that up tight, well stated. A vipers den of thieves be those Beltway bandits.

  • HerbieDeez

    August 1, 2023 at 9:21 pm

    BoyMom2 makes a point that it took me a while to understand as well. Back when Mike & Maria had immediate analysis of the original MarALago raid, I had moved on from Trump but had a hard time hearing Mike seemingly tout the prowess of the corrupt as fuck “Just Us” department. Mike clarified later and subsequent shows lead me to believe that:

    1. Trump is the biggest dumbass of all. He had a chance to take these people out and he didn’t. He had a better chance at reforming Justice than anyone ever will again. Instead he just played the victim and asked for money. He knew what they were capable of. He didn’t take the shot and now he’s gonna pay. He deserves it. He’s the one who likes to recite The Snake poem. Trump is getting bit by the snake he should have killed. There is a sort of Karma in that, at least. Trump bought the ticket, now he’s going to take the ride.

    2. Trump could be involved in more than we know (foreign corruption), so it’s important to understand that more could be coming and it could be bad. Plus Trump going along with the Q shit, knowing it was all bs the whole time is pretty bad on its own. A POTUS running a psyop on his own base who think they are “saving the country”? Nasty stuff.

    3. In the back of my mind, I always keep the possibility that Trump was brought in by the Feds/WEF to keep us all calm while they destroy the country. Trump the plant. I still see this as total possibility and I get the vibe Mike might too. Trump still touts the vax and I think if Trump takes a deal to not run, he was almost certainly a phoney assisting this along the entire time. If he goes to jail, he likely was not a plant. Shitty litmus test, but here we are.

    Justice Department sucks, Trump sucks, they ALL suck!

    Just my 2 cents. God bless The Green Dragon Tavern🍻

    • WaywardSon

      August 1, 2023 at 10:31 pm

      @HerbieDeez You nailed it here:
      3. In the back of my mind, I always keep the possibility that Trump was brought in by the Feds/WEF to keep us all calm while they destroy the country. Trump the plant. I still see this as total possibility and I get the vibe Mike might too.
      The reason I say you nailed it is that (IMO) being subdued is/was likely one of many goals and an outcome of the Q operation. And the ones still clinging on to Q and Trump are still out there waiting and waiting and waiting… I term this hopeless optimism. I know an otherwise very good and well meaning man that is in this hopeium trap, citing military law, symbolisms, secret military operations with coming events, etc. I am frustrated at him, but I know he would view himself an American, secure in his firm beliefs and one that wants a fair and better country.

    • dana.acker

      August 1, 2023 at 11:27 pm

      “And when you learn the rules, they change the game….” (From “That Train Don’t Run Here Anymore,”) Robert Hunter from: “Tales of the Great Rum Runners”

  • Dead2thecore

    August 2, 2023 at 1:37 am

    This is pure conjecture on my part and I could be completely wrong. First of all Trump was never supposed to win. Their algo’s were not set up for such a landslide. Once the PTB finished changing their pants….they let him proceed all the while sending in their “people” to surround him and “advise” him. When he wasn’t playing ball correctly out came the files. Right about the time his excitement of partnering with Gavi “message” came out and his famous pic from Walter Reed with the mask as stated by Mike many many times, it was game over. Enter the whole “Skull and Bones” playbook. You most certainly are not a cement head. If you were you would not be on this site nor listening to the show. So do not beat yourself up for being mislead and buying into “The side show” which has been going on for a very long time. It is not necessarily “easy” to wrap your head around it. What matters is that you are here and taking it all in albeit sometimes hard to accept. For the life of me I cannot understand why so many accepted forced inoculation from a “virus” that you had a 99% chance of recovery from. If people who were threatened with job termination did a small amount of research they would have discovered that by their employer “mandating” this would have opened their said employer to MASSIVE liability. There never was a “vaccine” that was approved by the FDA even available in this country. So my point is don’t feel bad about “trusting” the PTB. Evil is a very hard thing to accept. It’s much more prevalent than most people are willing to believe or even grasp at the fact that it exists on such a monumental scale.

  • HerbieDeez

    August 2, 2023 at 9:24 am

    Great insights all around here. I’ve mentioned more than once that I went down the Q avenue myself early on. I had 2 friends that showed me. One of those guys still “holds out hope” and is still diehard Trump guy.

    Wayward Son, I couldn’t agree more that Q was like a pacifier for the angry masses. Even worse, they used it to run the State Department’s Color Revolution tactics on the January 6th crowd. I myself left for a while after the 2020 election. I didn’t want to admit I had been duped by Trump. The first time Trump signaled support for the vax after the election, I was done and right back here. Mike is, hands-down, the best journalist in America in my mind. Not even close.

    Just like Dead2thecore says, no one HERE is a cement head. They don’t last a week around these parts and we have a badass group of people on this site. Appreciate the thought-provoking post Boymom2. To Dana’s (and Hunter’s) point, I’ll simply add “Since it costs a lot to win, and even more to lose, you and me better spend some time wondering what to choose.” It would take a small act of God to get me to support another politician at this point. Fool me once…


  • boymom2

    August 2, 2023 at 9:25 am

    <div>First off, THANK YOU for addressing my confusion!!! Second, I thought I had looked at every angle as to what could possibly be going on…until today. I always knew there was no way Trump was “clean” given the business he was in and where he ran it (NYC). I wondered why none of this dirt was exposed during the 2016 election – people had to have been able to dig it up. When Mike said he was an informant for the FBI, I foolishly thought that MAYBE that was a good thing – that he was he helping to take down other criminals to protect himself. I can tell you that the scenario below had never occurred to me and all I can say is, “HOLY SHIT”!!!! This, too, makes sense and, quite honestly, is the WORST of them all. It is a sad day for me to realize that I am a Pollyanna who thought that, even with all his “dirty deeds done dirt cheap”, they were made to enrich only himself (not a good thing!) but that he would never sell his own country down the river. We live and learn…</div>

    3. In the back of my mind, I always keep the possibility that Trump was brought in by the Feds/WEF to keep us all calm while they destroy the country. Trump the plant. I still see this as total possibility and I get the vibe Mike might too. Trump still touts the vax and I think if Trump takes a deal to not run, he was almost certainly a phoney assisting this along the entire time. If he goes to jail, he likely was not a plant. Shitty litmus test, but here we are.

  • Smittie_In_Texas

    August 2, 2023 at 11:03 am

    Not gonna lie, I didn’t like the things @mike was saying about Trump in the beginning. I was full blown on that Trump Train. But, I kept listening. I’ve been with @mike from the beginning, the days when he was on Jason’s YT channel. I knew one thing for certain. Mike always verifies his info. He’s never been wrong about one thing he tells us. I stuck it out and bristled a little bit, but never left. I see now. It’s sad, but I see it. So, if Trump does go to prison, then perhaps he turned on the DOJ and realized his bad ways. And, if he doesn’t then he will reap what he has sown. Either way, we escaped that Hillary Clinton bitch. At least for a few years. On to the next evil group!

    • dana.acker

      August 2, 2023 at 12:26 pm

      Amen that we dodged Hillary, but on the other hand, would you rather be bitten by a rattlesnake or a cobra?

      • Smittie_In_Texas

        August 2, 2023 at 6:51 pm

        That’s a good question! Hillary has a higher body count, so l’ll go with the rattler this time! And maybe one of your sharp knives to cut the venom out or the limb off. 😉

        • dana.acker

          August 3, 2023 at 8:18 am

          And I thought that I was the only person to get cut by my knives….😱

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