True Believers….

  • True Believers….

    Posted by dana.acker on July 29, 2023 at 11:16 pm

    A couple of weeks ago, Mike and Maria were poking fun at MAGA/Q-folks, for believing a particular website that reported that secret Military tribunals were being held at Guantanamo, resulting in the executions (by hanging) of many of the Clinton, Pelosi, etc., liberal anti-Trump mafia. I find it incredible that Trump still has as many die hard followers and supporters as he does, but that there are people who actually believe that Chelsea Clinton (among many others) has been lynched by the military, is like believing Elvis and Bigfoot will soon be appearing together in Vegas (I want tickets to that one MistaBRONCO). Mike had said earlier something to the effect that the depth of unbelief that the MAGA/Q-folks believe is indeed scary. Recently I watched a program on the Waco/Branch Davidian debacle. Without excusing the loathsome, criminal behaviors of the ATF/FBI/Clinton Justice Department, what happened shouldn’t have. Like the MAGA/Q-folks, the Branch Davidians were true believers. True believers in nonsense, and that so many folks are either that duped, or worse, willfully ignorant, are like Mike said, scary. I have been teaching through the Book of Revelation at the church we attend. It is an adult portion, to be sure, but there are two millennia worth of the works and research of numerous scholars on the subject, that if diligently studied, can help guide the seeker through its seemingly difficult material. David Koresh read none of them; and relied on personal and quite subjective “heavenly visions” as the basis of his teachings. Word to the wise, never base your theological beliefs on the visions of someone who wasn’t one of God’s Old Testament prophets or one of Jesus’ original Disciples/Apostles, especially if said visionary tells you that you cannot have sexual relations with your wife, but he can…??? My point is, had the Branch Davidians invested in a good commentary or two on the Book of Revelation written by reputable scholars, they’d have laughed David Koresh and his “visions” out of Texas, and said debacle would have never happened. But they didn’t. Many marginalized and somewhat socially alienated people want to believe something so badly in order to give their lives meaning, that they end up believing anything, no matter how implausible, and no matter to what disastrous end it might lead them. Jim Jones proved that in Guyana several years earlier than Waco. The belief in Trump/MAGA/Q has almost taken on religious and cultic proportions among his true believing followers. And sadly, like the Branch Davidians and Jim Jones’s followers, the MAGA/Q-folks are headed for disillusionment at the least, or absolute disaster at the worst when they realize that Donald Trump is but a mere mortal, and a truly flawed one at that. Disillusioned folks can go in one of two directions. They can stop, reflect and grow from the experience, turning the disillusionment into knowledge. Or they can completely lose hope, turning to either self or outward destructive tendencies. Both Koresh’s and Jones’ followers combined, are but a handful of people as compared to the MAGA/Q-folks, who number in the tens of thousands, are frustrated to the max at the out of control world around them, and are mostly well armed. Recipes for impending disaster. Knowledge is power. Question everything and everyone, and that includes me. I try to be honest, but “just because I say it, don’t mean that it’s so….” (Barlow, Weir)

    • This discussion was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by  Dana Acker.
    dana.acker replied 10 months ago 20 Members · 46 Replies
  • 46 Replies
  • mike

    July 29, 2023 at 11:18 pm

    AMEN !!!!

    • SpotTheDog

      July 30, 2023 at 3:31 am


  • B-Hoppy

    July 29, 2023 at 11:27 pm

    Can’t argue with that.

  • Paige

    July 30, 2023 at 12:51 am

    True dat, Dana!

  • kathryn.cascadiankate

    July 30, 2023 at 12:56 am

    That’s a very balanced and kind way to look at it. No matter how much we’d all like to think we wouldn’t get tricked, gnosticism and idolatry, vengeance and delusion dress in compromise.

    The most dangerous charmers get you to think they wouldn’t be able to lie about something so big and their caring demeanor makes you want to believe them.

    I thought the Q op was interesting and beneficial in the way it got people engaged in research, encouraged learning about history and the evil people who currently run things and have for a very long time.

    I haven’t looked at it for a number of years now, but still have some friends who are taking it seriously and a couple who are blending occult ‘age of aquarius’ and new age stuff – compounding the deception.

    The op preys on people’s financial desperation too. There is some special treasury that is going to pay off all the good people with the money bad people stole, they say too.

    Like former clients who promise to pay in some Iraqi dinar they’re holding onto or the scammer I knew who got convicted for selling paper packets of ‘diamonds’ from questionable places (as long as you never ever open the packet or they ‘lose their value’) greedy people keep the treadmill greased and running.

  • Dead2thecore

    July 30, 2023 at 1:28 am

    I don’t think The Q-tards or the Trumpeteers are nearly as large a group as they are attempting to portray. Just like “Hope and Change.” As someone poignantly pointed out, by the end of that shit show you just hoped that you had some change in your pocket. It’s been one mind fuck after another. They are all going to save you. They are all here to make your life better. Put “Me” up on that pedestal…..and when I your “hopes and dreams” get crushed…..It’s “Those people over there” that are causing it. Club alphabet has been attempting to drive a wedge between “Groups” of human beings for quite some time. And practically none of it has been effective. Sure there are a few extremely insecure people that want to be a part of “The Club.” And sadly they are never able to admit that they were wrong and got played. But in my experience recently talking to people in the last year or so I have seen a large shift in trust by many people. They don’t watch the news anymore nor do they care what these tards are attempting to gaslight them with. They do not believe anything is legitimate when it comes to our so-called government. Their distractions are getting more absurd and more desperate by the day. When people panic they make “Huge” mistakes. And “They” have. It’s a great time to be alive. I just hope we all live long enough to watch these fools admit defeat. Most of them are older than dirt at this point. I do not believe the ones behind them have the sack to carry on the charade. But time will tell.

    • ricktom

      July 30, 2023 at 7:27 am

      I agree with you completely. Had the same thoughts. When I look at population numbers vs those who vote , watch MSM or affiliate with MAGA , or anything else , a whole lot of people aren’t buying any of it.

    • Tony

      July 30, 2023 at 11:56 am

      I also agree, but I feel like (although it’s only been a short amount of time) that the riling up of these folks will create new Qtards to blindly follow the plan.

  • SpotTheDog

    July 30, 2023 at 3:40 am

    Yup, when you turn the page and as @mike always says “you have no dominion over me” is when you get the true satisfaction of relief from those “elite” fuckers!

  • Robbie_Bouchard

    July 30, 2023 at 4:36 am

    I find the the 7 main worldy religions a million levels more ridiculous and fantastical than Qanon or Waco. By far with zero doubt in my mind anymore. Its even more ridiculous that people get offended by these facts the same as a psycho radical Lefty or Righty. It’s actually provable. Just research history! There was never a King David and an ancient kingdom of Israel hahaha. Not one word mentions a King of Israel in any ancient records of any ancient Kingdom! Not one word from Egypt, not one words from Rome, not one word from Greece or anywhere else for that fact but all these retards think the Bible is the word of God hahaha its so laughable. It’s the same story with different characters and settings. The council of Nicaea forever change the bible adding the concept of heaven and hell which was only ever summer and winter! Winter is hell, the sun goes away! Every culture has a Jesus character with the same numbers of people around them blah blah blah because it’s the fucking personification of the zodiac and Sun. Very cleverly done. God is the sun and his name is Jesus. Jesus didn’t pray to himself! When Romans made it to India Alexander learned the Indians name the sun Jesus Christ! It’s a title! They would say “The sun is God and his name is Jesus Christ! This possible man named Jeheshua or Joshua was never ever referred to as Jesus Christ. Jesus raised from the dead for 3 days is just the solstice! The sun walks sideways for 3 days after the solstice then continues to rise or fall a degree a day. If one loved the Bible so much they would legitimately research it and learn about it! Just reading the book IS NOT RESEARCH OR LEARNING ABOUT IT!

    • Robbie_Bouchard

      July 30, 2023 at 4:51 am

      Through this I’ve become closer to God then I’ve ever been in my life. I’ve never been more certain of myself. I say thanks everyday to my creator whatever that may be and understand I don’t know everything but I can trust myself and my feelings. I’m more spiritual than I’ve ever been. The original Christian texts in the first 100yrs or so after the death of Yeheshua before any councils messed it up said Yeheshua was a normal person with a family! No miracles, no heaven and hell. Also if you worship Jesus nailed to a fucking cross than your worshipping idols and depictions which Jesus/Yeheshua specifically say not to do! There image of Jesus is a sadistic sodomite Pope’s son!!!!!! It’s not Jesus! Your being laughed at! It’s despicable creating images of Jesus on a fucking cross! I would never show my children such trash because it wrong and not true and clearly not what Jesus/Yeshua intended! Do you like to show children pictures of naked men nailed to a fucking piece of wood?! Your sick if you think that’s just fine.

      • Robbie_Bouchard

        July 30, 2023 at 4:56 am

        Cesare Borgia the first and last face of Jesus! His father Pope Alexander VI claimed his son will be the face of Jesus! People are so dumb. It amazes me.

        • Robbie_Bouchard

          July 30, 2023 at 5:12 am

          The Kingdom of Heaven is within yourself. That’s the only way to find it. You don’t find God outside of yourself you search within. Only when you understand God is within you will see God in everything, even the so called evil. I’m simply sharing what I’ve learned and it’s only up to you qeather you want to listen or ignore this information. Do as you wish. I’m curious to see how many emotional comments presenting no good information I get…

          • dana.acker

            July 30, 2023 at 7:30 am

            Euseibius was a Greek historian of Christianity in the 300’s, in the Roman Empire. There’s two thousand years of scholarship on Biblical history, whose writings you might not believe, but you cannot dismiss out of hand as not existing. Also early archaeological evidence of ancient Hebrew history was originally carried out by European archaeologists, not Israelis, and not Evangelical Christians. Also, you’re correct there wasn’t a Biblical person named Jesus Christ in Israel 2000 years ago. Jesus is the English translation of Jeshua, and Christ is the English translation of the Greek for Messiah, and secular historians in antiquity have attested to the Biblical Jeshua’s existence. I agree that blind faith is no substitute for research, hence my point regarding the Branch Davidians. I’ve spent going on 45 years researching reputable scholarship on Biblical matters. My beliefs are underpinned by said scholarship, not just because someone told me. So I have to generally disagree with some of what you’ve written. Some of your points are good, but I think you are painting the picture with too wide of a brush.

    • Robbie_Bouchard

      July 30, 2023 at 4:58 am

      What’s the common problem here with all of these?! Blind faith!!!! Not doing the proper research. If one cares about something you figure it out!

    • dana.acker

      July 30, 2023 at 8:52 am

      I applaud your admonition to research the Bible, not just read it. I cannot or will not argue with that. And, I have done quite a bit of research in the field of Biblical history, and that from highly educated scholars from many disciplines, and not all from either Christian or Jewish faiths, and some even atheists. Most would see things differently from you. I’m not trying to change your mind; you’re a sharp guy, you can check out the evidence that does exist and form your own opinions. But to say there was no King David is a claim I have never found in any of the writings of quite a few Ancient Near East scholars and historians. Isaiah the prophet, writing around a hundred years before the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem, and the kidnapped the Jews, taking them to Babylon, told of the coming destruction, and that the Persian King Cyrus would restore the Jewish people to Israel over a hundred years before he was born. No one I can point to disagrees with that and considers it legitimate history. I understand you might choose not to believe that, and that’s OK, but hundreds of scholars and historians (again, not all Christians or Jews) do affirm that the above happened. Solomon, under whose kingship, said temple’s construction was initiated, was King David’s biological son. If you believe that the above is simply not true, and that I’m way off base in my assertions, please provide some legitimate scholarly sources to refute me. I am open minded, and would appreciate being able to check them out. If I and the many scholars I’ve studied are proved wrong, I’ll admit it. I don’t doubt either your beliefs, or your reasons for believing them, but the weight of scholarship that I’ve studied for decades, leads me to see things another way.

      • Robbie_Bouchard

        July 31, 2023 at 7:00 am

        Your the man Dana. Thank you for sharing

      • Robbie_Bouchard

        July 31, 2023 at 7:08 am

        Think about early Christians and why they were so successful! Quakers mind as well been Muslims haha. In Europe the Carholic church slaughtered everyone even thinking about dissenting indeas aka asking logical questions. Any Christian shitting on Islam is a hypocrite either knowingly or unknowingly. Christian are not Christians anymore. All of the 7 worldly religions are the same story with different characters and settings using personifications of the zodiac! Gods says in the Bible to Enoch you must know the Mazzaroth to enter heaven! The Mazzaroth is the zodiac. It’s they keys to unlock the meanings and makes the stories make sense. They have a literal moral purpose and an astrogical purpose all built into one story. It’s very clever. Too bad people aren’t this clever anymore. By all means I consider myself a Christian but I focus on the very basic roots. I try to come upon things like a child without bias following logic not my domestications.

        • Robbie_Bouchard

          July 31, 2023 at 7:16 am

          For the most part the information is there for anyone to find. When you read from scholars you must know who the scholar is and where they are from. You must read from both sides from people in opposing facts or more to have a whole-istic understanding. Most people don’t have time. Well, I’m blessed to have time to figure out things I want to do! During my heroin addiction recovery this is ALL I DID. I searched for meaning and the search never ends. I’m always open to other’s ideas if they can be unbiased and present proper information with their arguments. I’m definitely a hot head but I’m not unreasonable to people.

          • dana.acker

            July 31, 2023 at 7:26 am

            I agree Robbie, to be intellectually honest, one must study both sides of an issue or fact, not just from those scholars with whom one agrees. Good point.

  • JiveTurkey

    July 30, 2023 at 6:10 am

    🤔 huh

  • Jun

    July 30, 2023 at 6:46 am

    HOLD ON … you mean Chelsea wasn’t executed?

    • dana.acker

      July 30, 2023 at 7:04 am

      Well from what Mike and Maria ascertained, Chelsea and all the rest have been executed, but…you ready for this…? They’ve all been cloned…. Like Mike says, “You can’t make this up.”

      • Jun

        August 2, 2023 at 12:19 pm


        As in, Star Wars The Clone Wars? Wow. That means they’ll have a chip implanted in their heads that forces them to obey the Order 66 command. Perfect Manchurian candidates.

        I wonder how many clones there are already, walking among us? I see doppelgängers of people all the time.

        So I guess “They” reverse engineered Alien tech & ironed-out all the details. Impressive! Bravo! Kudos! Hip, hip, hooray!

        What else should I believe? Tell me, please. LOL

  • DrtyBrd1776

    July 30, 2023 at 8:05 am

    You sure as heck won’t find this discussion on the Shitter, I mean Twitter

  • josh

    July 30, 2023 at 8:20 am

    thats a good one. god told you, you get to bang my wife. next is a punch in the head. lol is it just me. would’nt even have to get to the part where i dont get to get some from my wife. the first part is punch in the head worthy. kick to the crotch first now that i think about it.

    • dana.acker

      July 30, 2023 at 9:19 am

      No, it’s not just you….

  • Maiko

    July 30, 2023 at 11:07 am

    ST Germain:

    Reminds me of Saint Germain. He does not look like the modern depiction of Jesus, but new age depictions of him do. (According to Ascended master teachings) He put forth the idea of Christ being a station or office, and that there were many Christs, of course this new age guy being one of them. I think this is later projections from Theosophists, I dunno if the guy was like that, as it doesn’t seem likely. Some links I can’t be bothered to sift through the garbage New Age sludge, its all such gobbled guck its hard to read:

    Included a depiction of St Germain from the new age stuff. That depiction is fairly recent in comparison to the actual guy.

    Malcom X is Amazing:
    In comment to the cult vibes mentioned concerning Koresh, Jim Jones, Q, (and Alex Jones lmao lmao)
    In listening to Malcom X’s “Ballot or the Bullet” speech, he mentions his religion is only between him and his god and nobody else. There is a lot of wisdom in those words.

    Look at all the people who step between God and the individual, knowingly or not, to subvert and manipulate. This may be a hot take, but it is my personal belief that no church, no mosque, no synagogue, no pastor, no rabbi, no (everything else I am forgetting that is a religious authority figure) should stand in the way. Whether God is real divine being, or a metaphor for all that is good, I would rather worship God of all that is good than worship the wretched hearts of men. Which naturally leads to,

    Cult Dynamics:
    It seems to me many of the recent cults in the states may have been behavioral modification experiments, ala MK Ultra. I remember hearing that there was a CIA guy that was close to Manson, perhaps a handler. Its the only way I can conceptualize how we got from the past to now. It seems so inherently obvious all of the cult dynamics in Left vs Right bs, the cult dynamics of Q, the cult dynamics of Alex Jones/Rogan, the cult dynamics of tv/youtubers. Its why we can not pull people away from these influencers with ease, because they are in a cult.

    I tried showing a family member a lot of information on Alex Jones and how bullshit and scam master he his. Showed a literally itemized list, with sources and links, but they refused to look at it. When I tried to share some of Mikes stuff, the response I got is, “I don’t really like it, we just learn differently”.

    The emotionally rollercoaster of entertainment drivel from AJ is what they really wanted, not actionable information, but emotional manipulation, like an Indiana Jones movie. This kind of dynamic is why I am careful of everyone, including Mike(no offense if you read this Mike, I like you the most, and feel like I am in something historic like Bill Cooper’s show, I get the best info from you, it blows my mind). Which follows to some youtubers I’d like to mentioned.

    Youtube Gurus:
    Mike mentioned a lot of these youtubers are paid by the haves. I see the dynamic a lot, ESPECIALLY in non political channels with high subs and views. Mel Robbins for example, is a self motivational guru, and while some of her techniques she mentions do work, she sprinkles in a lot of, “go to your doc and take the meds” or “don’t give your conspiracy theorists friends energy, they are attracting negative energy towards you.” As well as sprinkling in a lot of the typical talking points everyone else does. Of course the first episode of her podcast got millions of views, wow so lucky, so self made.

    Or another dude that comes to mind, , a Harvard trained psychiatrist, where yes many things he says work and are practical, but sprinkles in small things like I mentioned before, but more insidiously, runs online coaching. What a great way to gather data on people. Whether he knows it or not, I am sure someone has access.

    And even if they didn’t, script kiddies have hacked online therapy databases before such as the case in Finland here:

    They even used the info to extort people sourced here:

    Heck, I often wonder if this site is just grabbing data on us for later use. That is what I would do. Just kidding Mike ;).

    Anyways, lots of youtubers like that, not just these two, but simplest for me to talk about.

    Was gonna call in concerning the tuber stuff but whatever. Better as text. A ruthless wall of text. That none will read but me =D

    • WaywardSon

      July 30, 2023 at 2:07 pm

      @Maiko I read all of your detailed post, albeit not all the links! 🙂

  • t.cubed

    July 30, 2023 at 12:06 pm

  • Dead2thecore

    July 30, 2023 at 12:33 pm

    The older I get the more I have come to realize that every day is a test. Some days I pass, some days I fail. But to me what is important is to realize that I have failed that day and correct my mistake. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and their beliefs. As one of my “Brothers” once said to me…..”I do my drinking in public and my praying in private.”

  • boymom2

    August 1, 2023 at 4:19 pm

    I have listened to Mike for at least three years and have also read his book. However, I fear I am one of the “cement heads” Mike always criticizes because I cannot figure out if the Justice Department, FBI and the state of Georgia are good or evil. Mike always refers to the FBI & Justice Department as a CRIMINAL cartel – a protection racket for the elite – yet doesn’t say the same when that same criminal cartel files federal charges against Trump. Mike says the feds will be filing charges against Trump in Georgia and “he’s toast.” So, am I to conclude they are a criminal cartel only when they go after everyone else but Trump? When they file charges against him, THEN they are acting according to the law? To further illustrate this point, Mike had a story some time ago regarding Georgia Tech and the professor who will be going to jail “because he trusted the Feds” (there’s that criminal cartel in action once again) and that he may have stumbled across something he shouldn’t have (read illegal?). This is not a defense of Trump, btw, as I can accept he’s a bad guy. This is just a contradiction that has been bothering me for a while and maybe someone can explain how can I discern when the feds are acting lawfully and when they are not. Also, “they” did not take Lin Wood’s license away – he retired. Just wanted to clarify.

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