A Toast….
Cheers Leroy! 🍸 He finally gonna find out if Rachael Welch was a tranny🤪
I miss you already Leeroy. You were a good man, and still are… I know you’re out there somewhere. God Bless you!
Seems like yesterday I asked him where he got that Popeye muscle💪from….don’t ask why. Wished he would have got back to me. Should have called him. The things you think of after someone passes… the should haves …. the wishes….the Would have’s. The spirit lives. He pulled no punches something we need more of. The Medical Industrial Complex are Killers and life robbers. They took another great man I loved-65 on Sunday too…malpracticing scum.
I feel like I can share this now – a DM from Leeroy on 8/19/2022:
LeeroyKincaid. <time datetime=”2022-08-20T17:09:41.000Z”>1:09 PM</time>
Well I can say I’m prob healthier because of the supplements I now take. Bitter Mellon oregano oil caps selanium fish oil vit C niacin and zinc. Think that cover it… plus a multi.
Just two years ago…. I’ve searched but I’m not finding/hearing what happened to him? Does anybody know?
Still wondering what happened to Leeroy? As I noted in my last reply, he said he was so healthy – just 2 years ago! I’m concerned because I had just started getting “sick” a few days before he said that. Does anybody know?
I’m going to the funeral today and then I can ask I know he had at least two heart attacks he had a fall walking his dog I never heard from him again after the fall except that his mom was with him took him to the hosplital to clean up his cuts then I got a message he died. That was a bad day. ❤️
🙏🙏🙏 I know today will be tough; mayGod be with you.
Thanks, Debbie…..so, so sad….. Praying for strength and peace for you now.
To echo Dana, God be with you… as will the spirit of Paine.TV…
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