A Toast….
A Toast….
Greetings Taverneers, Leeroy didn’t post a lot here on the Tavern, but still he was a brother, and ally in this grand resistance movement known as PAINE.TV, in all its many forms. So in his honor, why don’t we all raise a glass to Leeroy Kincaid, a brother from another mother, fellow traveler, and another raised fist against the evil empire. Salud! Rest in peace…. And, to fellow Taverneer Debbie, we raise a glass to you too, with our most sincere condolences for the loss of your friend. As the proprietor here, I think I speak for us all; we’re here for you if you need us. Don’t be a stranger. The kindest and most caring people I’ve met in my life, all wet their whistles here at the Green Dragon Tavern. They have stood by my side and carried me along in my darkest of hours. Peace be unto you…drinks on the house.
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