Jordan Peterson Slams COVID Tyranny: ‘F***ing Leave Me Alone’

Speaking with Dave Rubin, famed Canadian psychologist and author Jordan Peterson railed against government encroachment on personal rights in the COVID era, snapping, “Look, I got vaccinated, and people took me to task for that, and I thought, all right, I’ll get the damn vaccine. Here’s the deal, guys. I’ll get the vaccine; you f***ing leave me alone!”

Prior to that, Peterson discussed how the West had moved toward becoming a totalitarian state after the COVID-19  pandemic started. He stated:

The thing that surprised me the most, probably, was how rapidly we stampeded to imitate a totalitarian state in the immediate aftermath of the release of COVID. You know, if you think it through a little bit, no one really knew how serious the virus was going to be, and so it was an unknown threat. And so you could imagine a herd of animals or a school of fish, for that matter, because this kind of phenomena is universal throughout the animal kingdom.

The cost of overreacting to a threat is generally minimal compared to underreacting to a real threat. Overreacting to a hypothetical threat is cheap compared to underreacting to an actual threat, because if you underreact you could die, whereas if you overreact you generally just get tired for a minute.

“So a herd will stampede because the most neurotic member of the herd jumps first, and then they’ll instantly follow them,” he explained. “And that’s kind of what we did in the early stages of the pandemic. The Chinese acted first — now, unfortunately they are a totalitarian state — and we all followed. And that’s excusable in some sense because we didn’t know what sort of threat we were facing.” – READ MORE

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