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RFKjr controlled opposition?
Tagged: but just not
RFKjr controlled opposition?
Posted by George on May 8, 2023 at 5:56 pmRFKjr, in the hotwire link today with Gary Wyatt, suggested being controlled opposition. What are your thoughts are all the people running for 2024 on the same team?
tony replied 1 year, 8 months ago 19 Members · 23 Replies -
23 Replies
It is strange and confusing the JFK would be in any way related to the Safe Vaccine Movement. I have watched him on stage saying that Pharma is a homicidal industry. There is a video on the Wyatt website about this, but I can’t get it to play.
I just don’t trust any of them. Remember when he had that gathering at his home and his wife or both required proof of being vaccinated. Then never came out to defend himself when he just said he was antivax and blamed the incident on his wife. From that time on I knew he was or would never be on the antivax movement’s sides. Just another BS’r.
Rfk jr is controlled opposition he is not to be trusted he pushes the virus narrative he is not an anti vaccine man he wants safe vaccines he is a climate zealot to be honest there are a lot of people in the health freedom movement just like him
The dope RFK, Jr. sent out party invitations to a party at his house during covid. The invite said invitees had to wear masks and show proof of jabs. His answer to questions about the mandates was it was his wife’s idea. Hahahaha
RFKjr is the latest shiny thing. Yes I believe him when he says he’s anti-mandate & anti-war, but I also believe him when he says he believes 100% in climate change and amnesty for all illegals.
Like Tulsi.
Trojan horses. They know ppl are stupid & will jump on the nearest bandwagon.
I honestly don’t trust any of them.
I’m not sure they’re all on the same team, but definitely not on ours
Anyone who believes in viruses, or goes down the virus bullshit road, is controlled opposition. Dr. Sam Bailey et al. are the real deal. Once you read “Virus Mania”, you will be enlightened! ….Ramble On….
I have been pissed off with the covid drug pushers and virus lovers inability to face Cowan Kaufman or Mark bailey in a debate I think the likes of McCullough Malone and others know they would get hammered I listened to Kaufman and Cowan make a fool out of Bryan ardis I remember seeing Kaufman hammering Judy Milovitz on a live stream I am seeing more people in the covid truth moment changing to the no virus position which is touching Germ warfare Patrick Hegenson Mike Yeadon we are slowly making inroads
I’m on the fence about viruses existing or not, people catch things and get sick, explain that first before you say theres no such thing as viruses. There are things whatever they are that cause sickness in people that arent healthy thats for sure.
I think they are on the same team! Them against us! They are probably all buddies . I feel Trump abused our trust . He could have taken care of the deep state! Could have helped the Jan 6 people , and did not! Shut us down and took freedoms away. Gave us the death shot while in office and again out of office ! He even did not help Israel as they signed on with Pfizer for 4 or 5 shot purchase . He’s out for himself . Son in law Jared said he was going to be the first Transhuman ! Trump started the clock ticking for this to all begin . So ask yourself why they hate him that much?
$$$ I have dealt with people of this stature in my 20’s and 30’s and the one thing they all have in common is wealth. None of them have had to earn anything. They do NOT associate with the common people at all, they hang out with $$$. They are stingy, arrogant, cold and could care less if you live or die. The reason I know this is because I worked as a bookkeeper for a wealthy individual for over 10 years. The pay was awful (way underpaid) and you were there step and fetch it. I could go on for days how these people are and how they think. No they have their own club and your not part of it or will ever be invited into it.
I have listened to all 318 episodes of The Highwire (Del Bigtree). I have heard the accusations of him being controlled opposition several times. All I can tell you is NOT ONCE did he ever waver on the covid jab – EVER. From the outset he brought on all kinds of people warning against it (including RFK, Jr. – and so did Mike, btw). Could they be controlled opposition, too? Anything is possible. At some point you have to trust something. Based on his shows on childhood vaccines even before covid hit, I knew I wasn’t getting ANY jab – including covid. Thanks to him and Mike, no one in my immediate family took it. Despite what Greg Wyatt said, ICAN has scored major victories (through attorney Aaron Siri). They just won a landmark case in Mississippi securing religious exemption for ALL vaccines. (one example). He has been vocal about the safety and testing of childhood vaccines, securing (through ICAN) CDC documents proving the childhood vaccines were never properly tested, the harmful ingredients, etc. I have fact-checked him on different statements regarding childhood vaccines and have found him to be truthful. I have NOT had time to check any of the Wyatt documents – I will. But as of right now, until Del changes course and starts pushing a “safe” vaccine, I tend to believe him. Also, why can’t RFK, Jr. be anti-vax and still a democrat? He’s a vocal liberal on every other front. Controlled opposition would be if he was masquerading as something he’s not.
https://gregwyatt.net/rfk-jr-anti-vaxxer/ the problem is RFK Jr is no anti Vaxxer he is a complete charlatan as for del bigtree while I agreee he didn’t waver5 in his dislike vaccine he has been relentless pushing the virus narrative the Virus narrative Him Peter Mccullough Robert Malone they are all making lots of money on pushing the virus narrative or lab leak theory the truth is we won’t be free on this bullshit until we expose Virology for the pseudo science it is
I too have listened to the majority of the highwire episodes and echo your sentiments. Aaron Siri ripping apart Stanley Plotkin speaks volumes too.
I think we’re all smart enough here on this platform to use discernment and our better judgement/gut feeling on things like this. I feel like most of these folks that speak outta both sides of their mouths are obviously just agents of chaos to keep people at odds with one another.
Now is the info that they put out, or the causes they seem to be for, something y’all can get behind? If so then do your research and become well read. Listen to other viewpoints and/or experts to build upon the research you’ve done and formulate your stance. I think the point of this “controlled opposition” talk is to keep us confused and forever in the dark. Like I said: we’re all smart enough here, and we carry some big ass flashlights to illuminate these dark intel streets lol.
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
I cosign these sentiments. Also, let’s keep in mind these folks might really believe the messages they say, but at the end of the day are dead ends. Intent is important, but at the end of the day results are what matter the most.
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
Controlled Opposition?
The way I see it is once anyone gets in DC, they are controlled period. RFK can’t expect any democrat votes if he runs against every issue they are for, lol.
Count on Biden for the win, unless of course he is replaced from now to Election Day . Then his replacement will “win”.
Hey, can someone explain why NDAs are so powerful? It baffles me why people remain silent on so many atrocites. Maybe single people should be the only ones allowed to run
His family roots say it all. From Bootlegger to Politician. Politician to stealing an Presidential Election – literally.
Now, suddenly, this one is a truth teller and ready at this age to take on those who killed his uncle and father? After having to hide behind his wife when exposed (party during COVID)?
He was for Climate Change with extreme views before he has against it. Wyatt is right. RFK is no different than Tulsi. Good on one or two topics with glaring problematic past positions not explained or even reversed.
This term “controlled opposition” seems like it needs some more nuance.
Is he 100% controlled like Biden?
Or only 10% controlled like orange man bad? RFKjr explained clearly in boston why he can fight trump on the lockdown issue. Trump said he personally was against them from the start, but his team told him he had to do it. He could have fired fauci. RFK says he won’t be “rolled over by his bureaucracy.” Like trump did when he went along with locked down type things.
Or only like 1% controlled like rfk. Sure RFKjr theoretically believes in gov’t and some of these liberal institutions, unlike a lot of limited gov’t freedom minded folks on here. But clearly in practice in his legal career/etc he’s come to realize every single one of them is wicked corrupt and will work to break down the corruption and close the revolving doors.
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