Happy 2024 – Wow Mike, what a great way to start off the new year!

  • Happy 2024 – Wow Mike, what a great way to start off the new year!

    Posted by Jun on January 6, 2024 at 12:25 am

    I think the events of January 6<sup>th</sup> at the US Capitol were meant to be symbolic. It was theatre that commemorated the de facto coup d’etat of the United States of America. The three branches and the balance of Power was, as V. M. puts it, usurped. Completely. Dubbya’s “Order” was established. Three years ago.

    Just think about what has happened since then. ALL of it (including the genocide).

    Starting with what we all saw on LATE NIGHT TV on election night. That’s what started it all…

    What I got from this week’s shows is that our Civil War is being fought between The People of America versus The Citizens of The State. The flood of illegal aliens from across the Southern border is just one part of a mass infiltration of immigrants from the “Third World” – Eastern bloc nations into the “First World” – Western Bloc Nations. This allows for the rapid expansion of Citizens of The State across all continents, including America. Illegal aliens are funded, aided, sheltered, and protected by a neo-national-socialist-communist State. A Neo “Democracy.” This is Build Back Better.

    Even a Federalay is not exempt from this National divide. If he has not gone “rouge”, like us, then he’s a Citizen of The State. And even if “our” State is seemingly under the influence of foreign entities, it’s not to peddle or influence votes. It’s much bigger than that.

    But wait: Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates joined BRICS on January 1<sup>st</sup>, 2024.

    Ah hah! THIS is why the place-with-two-triangles-in-a-cross-for-a-flag is acting like a cornered rat lately. They might even end up being “The Nine Eleven” for our East vs. West War, version 2024. The Power and influence it commands is just a means to an end. It’s all just purely about control, in the end. Absolute control. So, war and politics is nothing more than managing the resources and infrastructure of that control. That’s this, insane, “Name of The Game.” They may even be sacrificed.

    The Peoples of each & all Land and Countries will be facing off with their own version of The State. Eventually all these States will merge. The “we” “us” and “our” I consider are all People of The Western Bloc nations. We are The People of America. That America is being invaded by hoards of illegal aliens from the Eastern Bloc nations and are welcomed by The State to become Citizens of The State. This is called nation building. “Build Back Better” a Nation of Citizens of The Unified State of America. Unified. State. Of America.

    Citizens of The Unified State of America.

    The mass infiltration is also occurring all over Europe and is the prelude to War. A war between the Eastern bloc nations and the Western bloc nations. Under the fog of war, imagine the current US AG replaced by Andrew Cuomo. LOL. The merging of the Medical Industry with the Military Industrial Complex allowed the State to have the authority and de facto Power.

    That Federalay’s mind has been experiencing the changes of the world for the past 50 years just as we have. His mind has been going toward one or the other side of the divide for years now. Just like ours. The last three years solidified that divide in a LOT of people’s minds, I think.

    Triage Time.

    Jun replied 1 year, 1 month ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Op_Tweeter

    January 6, 2024 at 7:32 am

    Centuries of battle for dominance, power, resources, control and money. Interesting. Look where the BRICS nations are located. And where are the global combats occurring?

  • Op_Tweeter

    January 6, 2024 at 7:34 am
  • WaywardSon

    January 8, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Nice analysis and great mention by Mike @mike

    Year of 2020 marked the end of any resemblance of a constitutional republic. The reason things are “strange” to some people is they have not accepted this or even gotten the memo, due to the deceit and subterfuge to accomplish a global UN led one world Governance. Not Government. The American Ruse is that we are still a collection of states under a constitutional republic with so called democratic elections. Democracy is the word salad language for Communism under UN Global Governance. We are in a cold civil war and the world is loosing its mind, if it ever had one, given the psycopathy of the elite and ruling class.

  • Samfatboy

    January 8, 2024 at 4:32 pm

    The overarching theme I hear everyday on @Mikes podcast is – follow the money.

    The flow of money will always shed light on events as they occur. This is why so much garbage info is sent our way through every possible medium, to distract us from following the flow of money. It is my belief that at the top of the world food chain, the money flows in from all directions.

    What I love about the podcast, the community, and the Hot Wire is the constant focus on the flow of money, the discussion of what this means to our side of the civil war being waged against us, and what steps we can take to best ensure the survival of each of our own personal statehoods.

  • Paige

    January 8, 2024 at 8:44 pm

    Love that comment. Totally agree. Just look fir who’s getting paid or who is making money and you can unravel every scheme.

  • Jun

    January 8, 2024 at 10:01 pm

    Just organizing and collating information. Add a little personal spin & clarify. That’s what we all do, I’m no different from anyone else here. Learning & growing. Together.

    The East – West dichotomy is a global way of looking at how all our counties align with each other, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/East%E2%80%93West_dichotomy , and as Op_Tweeter points out, how we align AGAINST each other. Also, BRICS https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRICS , again, as Op_Tweeter points out, has exploded out of the gates this year.

    With bombs dropping in Palestine and the escalation of an actual hot war in the Middle East, this “localized” carnage can be the spark for multi-nation alliances to start drawing battle lines. All the wars since the last “big” war, WW2, have been pretty much one-sided. USA, America has been the preeminent world superpower. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Bloc The new battle lines drawn by these new alliances will be a “big” war on a world scale like never before.

    All the nations get set up in geo-political chess, and like Bill Cooper points out, it’s all part of the consolidation of Power for a New World Order under the totalitarian control of a One World Government. The future United Nations, as WaywardSon points out, is the Governance arm of the World Government because the UN will be the ultimate and inviolable arbiter of policy and governance for the Ideal State. For global tyranny, of course, and rebranded.

    Right now, the present UN (a collection of different organizations that work under a Charter), is restricted by that Charter and unique National identities. The Charter is being “commandeered’ for emergency measures and/or for the “good of all” by those people who want a One World Government. BTW they, un-IRONICALLY, established and funded the start of the UN. LOL. It’s another case of “You fucked up. You trusted us.” Just another “Ruse.” After all the blood’s sucked out it will be replaced with a NWO transfusion. It will become the umbrella body State for every State in every part of the world.

    At the top of the world food chain where all the money flows in from all directions (Samfatboy), I think Money flow on a global scale is like ocean currents. In the ocean there’s a deeper current that flows under all the upper currents and the whole thing circulates, taking thousands of years to complete a full cycle. Money moves in different currents and there’s an underlying current in the money system that we don’t see but large institutions handle. Then there’s the base of the base that looks like all the money in the world. Certain people have a claim on that, and they fund the funders.

    I think we’re starting to draw OUR own battle lines here. The American Ruse is for the Statists. We are in the middle of constructing a NEW American dream. One that is based on Virtue. Economics, Politics, Religion, Business, Finance, Arts and Entertainment. The whole shebang. This Cold Civil War will turn hot. The temperature is rising. OUR world has certainly not lost its mind. We are what’s left of Common Sense and Critical Thinking. Like plants and seeds that endure the frozen ground and Winter storms, there will come a time for us to sprout and blossom in the warm sun. Let the sycophants of psychopaths circle jerk themselves right into the 12 circles of Hell. We just won’t be there.

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