EAS Alert

  • Posted by Karen on October 5, 2023 at 2:48 pm

    So easy to mock people who turned off their phones before the alert for not using “critical thinking” skills regarding the EAS when it’s AFTER the fact. “The best indicator of future behavior is past behavior.” Since this is the same government who literally is killing people with the jabs, chemtrails and god knows what else, why was it so outrageous to approach this alert with a suspicious mind? I preferred to err on the side of caution by turning my phone off. If you want to mock me for doing so, I’m perfectly OK with that.

    Karen replied 1 year, 4 months ago 11 Members · 23 Replies
  • 23 Replies
  • Rick

    October 5, 2023 at 3:06 pm

    I here ya. The dialectic can drive saints leery. Every thing they do , not just what we know about, is most likely a manipulation. Hell! I even thought , maybe it’s to get a list of people who turn off their phones. Idk. My act of rebellion was to not press ok and delete it. Good post.

  • Betsy.Ross

    October 5, 2023 at 3:33 pm

    You are right on point, my friend. I put NOTHING past these psychopaths. WHO warns you ahead of time they will be taking harmful action against you? On the other hand, it would be just like them to call it one thing, and it actually be something else. Question everything. After all, they are still actively trying to harm/kill us. What’s that saying – better safe than sorry? 😉 🤷‍♀️

  • Mark

    October 5, 2023 at 7:27 pm

    I agree, to me it’s better to be safe then sorry 😢 knowing what we’ve all been through the last 3+ years. Maybe it’s just time to do a roll reversal and mock them. And then you have this that came out after the alerts: https://www.rt.com/news/584043-nato-nuclear-war-russia/

    I really like this comment from this article from TerminatorT800 ; “Just as I had warned two months ago: Today, the criminal US regime conducted an “emergency test” where all cell phones, TV stations, radio stations will hear a beeping sound. Turns out today NATO website is warning of nuclear war with Russia… conincidence??

    • OrganizedChaos99

      October 6, 2023 at 2:32 pm

      There is some truth here, but you’ve got to be careful with this kind of mindset. How many people got the jab using this same logic?

  • Robbie_Bouchard

    October 5, 2023 at 8:27 pm

    Wow, honestly, I’m pretty shocked anyone would think turning their phones off would do anything especially if you live close enough to a phone tower to have good cell reception considering those towers are wired with enough juice to microwave everything near it to crisp.

    • Karen

      October 6, 2023 at 7:42 am

      Don’t be shocked. I was well aware beforehand that simply turning off the phone would not prevent the EAS from being sent which is why I also used a blocking bag.

      • Robbie_Bouchard

        October 6, 2023 at 12:24 pm

        I’m seeing it now. Crazy how many people shut their phones off and hid their phones and this and that. I just wasn’t paying attention. I could care less because I’m pretty sure if you have phone service you are close enough to be damaged by just the towers.

  • tony

    October 6, 2023 at 8:40 am

    Alright folks – allow me to reaffirm my position for those with sensitivity to the subject because I think one too many people took my cynicism as an attack.

    First, it may have sounded like “oh of course you can make fun AFTER the fact,” however, I knew very well about the nostradumbasses climbing their internet soapboxes long before I called. People talk off the internet folks. I had a few people reach out to me asking about the impending “electronic attack” by the gov’t via an absurd method (mass emergency notification). I did not feel it necessary to address it on the platform since I knew we have a good group of people on here that know what the deal is. I will apologize for my snark, but I won’t apologize about the premise of my message. Use your critical thinking skills along with all the ammo we’ve learned from Mike and others over the years. Mike literally highlighted it on his call last week with Kathryn – the folks that scream things are gonna happen on such and such date are full of shit. Do you really think after all the ESG, climate, eat ze bugs push that they’re really gonna try zapping you all through technology??? The powers that shouldn’t be WANT you to remain in hysteria and confused about everything that is pushed out into the ether so that they can continue that grift. “ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!” I’m glad Mike hit the button after my call because everything I highlighted is all distraction.

    Second, these clowns can get us via many other methods that are more logical in nature at any time (blob “viruses,” “natural” disasters, chem trails, etc.). I am of the opinion that whenever that time comes, fuck it, bring it on. Until then I’m going to move through life avoiding any and all hysteria and psychosis that the powers that shouldn’t be blast out to the masses. I know it’s hard for some to break the programming of the last few years, but come on folks. You’re gonna have to keep up or get left behind at this point. While I agree with “question everything,” that doesn’t mean you have to go full tin foil and throw your phones in some weird bags that block whatever that is sold by probably some grifter that was on their soapbox just before the anointed day. Leave it up to God – like I said earlier whenever that time comes he’s got us.

    Finally, and I really want to be clear here, everything I’ve stated here should be taken as opinion/information/another view point that you can use to arm yourself against future bullshittery from the powers that shouldn’t be. I hope no further offense comes from my words. I’m always more than happy to talk through any and all ops that get thrown onto the interwebs. At this point I feel like my line of thinking is both a blessing and a curse. It has been very difficult lately to discuss operations with people and have them understand the 30,000 foot view of what’s really going on. I do hope my message comes across well here, and like I said, always here to help.

    – Tony

    • Betsy.Ross

      October 6, 2023 at 9:10 am

      If I got offended at everyone I didn’t agree with, I’d be pissed off A LOT! 😂😂 It is possible for people to not be in total agreement with one another and not be offended (I would hope!). Personally, I didn’t sense anyone being offended by what either you or Mike said, so much as stating their opinion. Are we not allowed to share our opposing opinions anymore?

      • tony

        October 6, 2023 at 9:56 am

        Of course you are, never said that you shouldn’t. Maybe offense was the wrong word choice, initial post and those thereafter used mocking, which to me sounded like offense was taken. I will say this – however you justify beating or subverting the powers that shouldn’t be, whether it be turning off your phones during emergency alerts or otherwise, that is your absolute right. I’m just highlighting the fact that it’s gotten very old seeing people parrot the doomers from the internet.

        • Betsy.Ross

          October 6, 2023 at 10:11 am

          There will always be posts/comments I won’t agree with. I do the same here as I do elsewhere…keep scrolling if it’s not my cup of tea. Not everyone is in the same spot intellectually/philosophically. When I share information, I understand that not everyone is going to be on the page I’m on. I share to add info/intel, to help educate/enlighten. I know that personally I’m not in the same place I was this time last year. My thinking has changed on some things, and my knowledge base has expanded on some subjects shared on this forum. I just don’t want to see people NOT post here for fear of disparagement. That would put this forum on the same level as Twitter, and that would be a shame.

          • SpotTheDog

            October 6, 2023 at 1:40 pm

            Everything is a psyop, then work back from that.😎

            • OrganizedChaos99

              October 6, 2023 at 2:39 pm

              BINGO 🎯 right on point again Tony.

            • OrganizedChaos99

              October 6, 2023 at 2:57 pm


              It’s sad that people on ANY side of an issue, when it gets to a certain point, cannot agree to disagree and move on.

              With regards to posting, some people need to learn how to take a step back and not take criticism of ideas (or influencers for God’s sake) personally. Also, the lack of self reflection &/or ability to admit they’ve been duped is glaringly obvious (IMO), yet some continue to spread terrible content that WILL lead people into ditches, while reveling in their seemingly willful ignorance.

              That is something I cannot abide & will push back (with receipts) as needed (from my POV).

            • tony

              October 6, 2023 at 3:55 pm

              Thank you my brother, couldn’t have said it any better myself. Honestly: how long does it take for those that have been duped to realize it (if at all)? A year, two, maybe five years? Way too late in many instances IMO. We’ve all been duped. Some of us realize that fact and move forward with armed with intelligence and strategize around the powers that shouldn’t be. Post what you want, but don’t be surprised if some of us chime in trying to snap y’all out of it in a clear and respectful way.

            • Betsy.Ross

              October 6, 2023 at 4:36 pm

              Cool bro. I have no problem with anyone disagreeing. That’s called life. It would be incredibly boring if everyone agreed. And again, I don’t sweat the small stuff. I don’t always have to be right, because I know I’m not, but I always try to be disrespectful in voicing my opinion. You do you, boo.

            • Betsy.Ross

              October 6, 2023 at 4:45 pm


            • tony

              October 6, 2023 at 3:51 pm

              60% of the time it works every time 😉

            • OrganizedChaos99

              October 6, 2023 at 8:05 pm

              <div>”It’s got bits of real panther, so you know it’s good.”</div><div>



              We are all wrong on most things in some way. The point is to get less wrong by learning (research, reading, experience). I do my best to be respectful, but I’m not going to carry on that way when the other person is disrespectful, underhanded, &/or passive aggressive.

              I’m now fully convinced some people will never admit they’ve been duped. They’ve built & invested too much in whatever belief it’s become a part of them. At this point, my concern isn’t them. It’s those their sophistry infects/hurts.


    • Karen

      October 9, 2023 at 4:03 pm

      I agree 100% with Betsy Ross. I truly believe knowledge is power and try to gather as much of it as I can from as many sources that I can including Mike’s show. I would love to hear your 30,000 ft view of things. We may not agree, but I’d have yet another “side of the story” to think about.

      ps: and just so you know, I do not wear a tin-foil hat in my daily life. I only break it out for special occasions! 😃

  • StopKiryasJoels

    October 6, 2023 at 1:46 pm

    It was Y2K’ish. I made decals for Sony computers back then. I turned off All Alerts a year ago but when I checked just after 2pm I had to reshut them off. Went to turn off phone at 2:18 just as warning ⛔️ went off felt like a jolt but it was probably a vibration. Vibration setting was off. Protecting devices is important that could be a lesson learned going forward. Think MaxiMan posted an interview with Knight guy. It was on about how to protect from EMG attacks. He mentioned protecting car, house & electronics plus having bug out place. Grounding was big deal need to investigate products to protect but 1st I’m getting a good gigging rig and doing target practice.

  • kathryn.cascadiankate

    October 6, 2023 at 2:11 pm

    I’m still catching up on episodes this week – every so often I indulge in a korean drama and found one that is chinese, but no nudity or smut and picked up some cooking ideas as it’s on chef training contest with the usual selection of love triangles and professional rivalries.
    This exchange and the posts and comments on the matter reveal the intelligence, maturity, restraint and libertarian culture here. Bravo!!
    My husband put his away for a couple hours more due to him being on ladders and doing things where you don’t want to be startled by some crazy loud alarm some people got.

    My youngest son decided to cancel his wedding this coming weekend at 11 am PST so text messages were flying.

    Anything that gets you out of EMF and screens for a significant chunk of time I am in favor of. Doing it without an existentially immediate zombie fear is preferable.

  • W.Durham

    October 6, 2023 at 6:49 pm

    You all crack me up. So many other things to break down. My main man Tony made great points, but I like to take the Mike approach. I’m not getting ruffled by someone in their 30s. Also I fully understand the parroting and sad to say that I take advantage of the block function on here.

    I use a VPN, have my location off, limit permissions, and reject cookies. Am I crazy? No. I’m not going to ridicule people for turning off the phone. It’s when fearporn is the basis for that decision is when it’s a problem. Be smarter people. Peace and love. 👍

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