Who Is Losing Rights…?

  • Who Is Losing Rights…?

    Posted by Dana Acker on November 7, 2024 at 5:12 pm

    There has been a lot of angst and almost manic panic about Trump (when he takes office) ending people’s rights. I don’t get it. What about the rights we lost over Covid? For example what rights are the LGBTQ community losing under Trump? The LGBTQ community can legally own property, go to schools both public and private, own and operate businesses, get driver’s licenses, marry, adopt children, drink alcohol if over the age of 21, purchase and own firearms if they’re not felons or adjudicated to be mentally ill; I mean what can’t LGBTQ persons do that the rest of us can? I mean, please tell me if I’m wrong. They (plus all minorities) are protected from discrimination by anti-hate crime laws. What about gender reassignment surgery? Persons can have the surgery to change their sex if they have insurance that covers it, although much to some’s chagrin, health care isn’t a right. I had my hip replaced because I have insurance. If I didn’t have insurance I’d still be hobbling and in great pain. No matter how good a case I could have made about my “right” to have surgery, only a charitable hospital (if any still exist) might have helped me, but only to the minimum extent. Any other for-profit hospitals would have told me to take my “right to health care” and a couple of bucks, and limp my crippled ass down to the nearest diner and get a cup of coffee. Literally. (Calm down, that was an illustration; not hate speech aimed at disabled people). Always be wary of any groups, no matter who they are, demanding their own “special” rights, because if the government grants rights, they have to expand in order to assure the enforcement the protection of said rights.

    serfin.illinois replied 2 months, 4 weeks ago 7 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Dana Acker

    November 7, 2024 at 5:21 pm

    I mean, when I was young, many states had laws (with accompanying prison sentences) against homosexuality. Up until more recent times it was considered a legitimate mental illness diagnosis by the psychiatric community. Things for the LGBTQ persons, are nothing like they were before. What did Trump do last term (Covid notwithstanding) that was overtly oppressive towards them or any other minority?

    • Dana Acker

      November 7, 2024 at 5:26 pm

      And I’m not taking up for or defending Trump. If he indeed endeavors to tackle the major issues that got him elected (immigration, the economy, wars abroad, etc.), he’ll be way too busy to oppress any minority group in the country.

  • Postman

    November 7, 2024 at 5:32 pm

    I think one of the biggest things that the Left is afraid of is losing what I would characterize as “the right” to inflict child abuse on minors. The so called right to influence underage children that have no clue as to the significance of their actions that mutilating their bodies is the right thing to do. They see resistance against that as oppression and discrimination and they also seem to view parental rights as secondary to this issue

    • Dana Acker

      November 7, 2024 at 5:49 pm

      Hear Hear, Postman! Well said!

    • Dana Acker

      November 7, 2024 at 5:50 pm

      And let’s not forget the “right” to kill old people off.

      • Dana Acker

        November 7, 2024 at 5:56 pm

        I mean they gotta do something with all those Covid era ventilators….

      • Postman

        November 7, 2024 at 7:13 pm

        That cues up another whole branch to this thread: their general lack reverence for human life. After all, they did make abortion “rights” a central plank of their campaign platform. Even for so-called moderates that try to split hairs about when a fetus becomes a human they fail to realize that “the science” can’t answer that for them. But because they have no faith they can’t turn to that for the answer that tells us that a child is a real child at conception. “Abortion rights” simply means that no one will be there to defend the child from being killed. Lack of reverence for human life.

    • WaywardSon

      November 7, 2024 at 6:41 pm

      I agree that the hysterical and unfounded illusion of a loss of prevailing LGBT “rights” are (if anything) not directed at those already institutionally ingratiated with them, BUT by at the ability to let the LGBT community influence minor children to make adult decisions about sexual identity and gender transitioning. Perhaps it is their perceived loss of the right to groom and influence children with impunity? The LGBTQ hysteria also serves to play the the victim card that affords a lot of social currency in today’s 5th grade reading level social media society.

      And here is the evidence to that 5th grade level or worse.

      Yesterday I stopped by the local (small town here) Family Dollar for one item. At checkout I patiently wait while a young man (I estimate 21 or so) to ring up a polite woman in her late 60s with 3-4 items. There seems to be confusion on a 75% off on her one item, hence the delay. The young man turns to a nearby desk calculator to no avail, and then he eventually retreats to his “smart phone” for some magical assistance while verbally expressing his frustration of the mathematical predicament.

      So I politely ask both, “What is the confusion, maybe I can help?” The lady and young man gleefully agree to assistance. So I ask, how much is the item in question? Woman, “It is $10 dollars”. So I reconfirm, “If it 75% off of $10 it will cost you$2.50”. Smiles prevail, problem averted, and the sale is rung up.

      The young man said a few things about his “education” during the endeavor, but the essence of his comments were that he did not learn anything in the local government school. So this is where we are as adults in this current American society. “I want my [fabricated] social rights”, but remediating a strangers retail sale is for white privileged and taxed folk like me. I had to lean basic math, or else the old man and I were going to have a discussion – or worse. Fuck those imaginary loss of rights. How about the right to count change?

      • Dana Acker

        November 8, 2024 at 10:33 am

        You said, “And here is the evidence to that 5th grade level or worse.” I’m glad you took that where you did. I was afraid you’d been going through some of my posts🤣😂🤣😂

  • Jcagney

    November 7, 2024 at 5:58 pm

    I would argue you can’t change your sex that was assigned at conception but you can do all kinds of destructive damage trying to change your gender.

    • Dana Acker

      November 7, 2024 at 6:28 pm

      I agree. Duly noted.

      • WaywardSon

        November 8, 2024 at 2:32 pm


        • This reply was modified 3 months ago by  WaywardSon.
  • serfin.illinois

    November 8, 2024 at 1:13 pm

    My guess is the Family Dollar clerk received common core math lessons. Really pissed me off when my girls came home with assignments that were teaching math as some strange combination of inane steps instead of the basics that reinforced what had already been mastered (assuming can I still use that word). I made sure they knew the tried and true way through a solution before we stepped through the looking glass to emulate the CC path.

    To Dana’s original point, you ought to see some of what governor sheetcake belched out through his gravy breath in a press conference on Thursday. They are stoking all kinds of imaginary fears out there. Keep people divided; it allows them to continue their shady shit in the background.

    • WaywardSon

      November 8, 2024 at 2:35 pm

      I would agree. He mentioned that previously he was in a larger city school district in this county. He perceived staff/teaching and his comprehension was better. I image the CC material and technique were still relevant at the city school, but the delivery was poor.

      • This reply was modified 3 months ago by  WaywardSon.
    • Circa51

      November 9, 2024 at 6:53 am

      My experience with math instruction at the elementary level is that standard algorithms are not being taught to students. Instead are elaborate models and solutions that require a full page to solve, yet the algorithm could get students the answer in just a few quick steps. I have no issue with the elaborate models being used to support an understanding of why algorithms work (especially for my fellow questioners who need “the why”), but to require students to learn these methods in place of standard algorithms makes no sense. It might be why your clerk had no idea how to quickly calculate the bill. I ask all the time, “If you were trying to sink the ship, would you do anything differently?”

      • serfin.illinois

        November 15, 2024 at 6:35 am

        Thanks for that! I would have used that with a pre-calc bully who claimed he was a teacher a few years back. The guy would assign homework, then “teach” it the next day. The textbook was horrible, so self-guided learning was an exercise in futility, and I had many nights at the table trying to recall things I learned in the 80’s and had lost in mind fragments. I put up a fight with the teacher and the school to straighten out his act. My daughter also let him have it, that he was an asshole who ruined most days by being her first class in the schedule. A good teacher makes all the difference.

  • _Fastestinthewest_

    November 8, 2024 at 2:23 pm
  • serfin.illinois

    November 8, 2024 at 3:33 pm

    Thanks! Those days are past, but you never know when it’s time to go back to the well. Oldest is done with college next spring and the youngest has another 2 to go. I remember picking up a stats book from the late 1930’s at an estate sale that explained something in less than 2 pages of text that was a disaster in the textbook for AP stats.

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