Who Is Losing Rights…?
Who Is Losing Rights…?
There has been a lot of angst and almost manic panic about Trump (when he takes office) ending people’s rights. I don’t get it. What about the rights we lost over Covid? For example what rights are the LGBTQ community losing under Trump? The LGBTQ community can legally own property, go to schools both public and private, own and operate businesses, get driver’s licenses, marry, adopt children, drink alcohol if over the age of 21, purchase and own firearms if they’re not felons or adjudicated to be mentally ill; I mean what can’t LGBTQ persons do that the rest of us can? I mean, please tell me if I’m wrong. They (plus all minorities) are protected from discrimination by anti-hate crime laws. What about gender reassignment surgery? Persons can have the surgery to change their sex if they have insurance that covers it, although much to some’s chagrin, health care isn’t a right. I had my hip replaced because I have insurance. If I didn’t have insurance I’d still be hobbling and in great pain. No matter how good a case I could have made about my “right” to have surgery, only a charitable hospital (if any still exist) might have helped me, but only to the minimum extent. Any other for-profit hospitals would have told me to take my “right to health care” and a couple of bucks, and limp my crippled ass down to the nearest diner and get a cup of coffee. Literally. (Calm down, that was an illustration; not hate speech aimed at disabled people). Always be wary of any groups, no matter who they are, demanding their own “special” rights, because if the government grants rights, they have to expand in order to assure the enforcement the protection of said rights.
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