Trump Followers are the Scariest

  • Trump Followers are the Scariest

    Posted by Maiko on May 2, 2024 at 2:38 am

    I gotta be in the city to make contacts in my field.

    The one thing I noticed, is there are too many idiots.

    A family friend, Ill refer to them as Moo, was kind enough to let me stay with them for cheap, and I am eternally grateful for that!

    That being said, there is a catch.

    Moo is a hardcore Trump follower. I find myself just shutting the fuck up, because I just don’t know what to say. Moo thinks Trump is going to win and if he doesn’t there will be a civil war. Keep in mind Moo’s spouse died due to the Trump vaccines, but Trump was tricked therefore beyond reproach! He is fighting the deep state and throwing Clinton into GIZMO as we speak. And if he doesn’t its because the source of all evil, the Democrats, run by Skelator, just stole it so good!!!

    Moo is also very politically active and around alot of the approved disinformation operatives at events. I did not realize how much of this shit is actually being pushed by people in officialdom. Flynn, Patrick Byrne, random sheriffs and CIA people etc etc etc. Alot of the crazy shit is coming directly from these people, and not the internet. Because so much of this shit is being pushed by people with some sort of authority, Moo accepts it as reality without question.

    Moo tells me they are going to travel the globe, and I tell them I am thinking of going to Japan. They start freaking out and telling me how China is going to start a war with us and I’ll be putting my life in danger and blahblahblah.

    I mention that I made a friend with a self described “militant leftist”, and I start getting yelled at about how I need to tell, my friend that leftists are communists and blahblahblah.

    I gotta be real with you all, Trump derangement is the craziest shit. I find myself getting along much better with self described “militant leftists” than the Trump followers living in loony toons la la land.

    That is the scariest part. All these people knowingly pushing BS.

    They constantly wind people up. Constantly tell them the world is going to end the next day. We are ALMOST in a war with China! We are totally about to go to a Civil war!

    Honestly, Moo is freaking me out, and I am considering moving out due to how crazy Moo is. I feel like Moo is definitely on a list, and I need to gtfo before Moo says or does something stupid on the internet and gets raided.

    Moo is seriously unhinged. I don’t know how long shutting my mouth will work out, because of how fucking stupid the Trump shit I hear gets everyday. I hope Trump loses, just so I can witness the sideshow that will bring here.

    Anyways, am I the only one who is seeing this garbage? What do you all do in response to this kind of stuff. Maybe I can learn a thing or two from you all.

    boymom2 replied 1 month ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Carrie-in-Chicago

    May 2, 2024 at 8:41 am

    Good Morning! Sounds like you are in a bad spot — one with which I have no “hands on” experience. However, I’d suggest that finding alternative lodging may be the best option. Thomas Sheridan has talked about such “true believers.” Whatever their belief, I doubt you’ll break through or find a way around. The stress on you will take a toll on your mental and physical health. Hope this helps a bit… you are tapping into great wisdom of Paine.TV and I suspect many others will have useful input.

  • Op_Tweeter

    May 2, 2024 at 9:05 am

    Wow! Crazy shit for sure. I catch glimpses of if on social media which is more than enough for me. I can’t imagine living with it. Agree. Relocating and removing yourself from that environment is best for you. Hang in there. The PT is here for you.

  • boymom2

    May 2, 2024 at 12:42 pm

    As it has been stated multiple times (& today’s art verifies this), if ALL politicians in Washington are members of the uniparty, (including Biden & Trump), then your new leftist militant friend is being sold the same bill of goods as Trump supporters albeit from different perspectives and people.

    I’m sure Moo would be thrilled to know just how much you “appreciate” his/her kindness. I suggest you find a leftist militant in the city you’re in who would be happy to let you stay with them.

    I wish you peace. Have a nice day.

    • Maiko

      May 2, 2024 at 2:52 pm

      I appreciate the kindness.

      I don’t appreciate getting yelled at before bed because we are going to have a war with China.

    • Maiko

      May 2, 2024 at 3:19 pm

      And to be clear, I paid the friend as much as it would cost to be by myself in an apartment, which I am now looking for, because I don’t want any part in the crazy stuff.

      I told neither Moo nor the militant leftist my political opinions, and its the Trump follower thats yelling at me. Think about that.

      • boymom2

        May 2, 2024 at 5:31 pm

        Okie dokie.

        Since you get along better with militant leftists, I sincerely hope you’re in a town where the college protests are going on. From what I’ve seen, they do seem very nice.

        Enjoy your evening & good luck with your apartment hunting.

  • delores.g

    May 2, 2024 at 1:39 pm

    The only hopism that have left is that those that have decided to live at the ends of the political spectrum will someday soon figure it out and the world will return to a somewhat true and ethical state where the people have and are allowed to use their minds.

    I know it is a pipe dream as the minds are boggled and the spectrum of theives very much uses this against the ones that fall into the trap.

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