Some Salty, Scorching 9/11 Perspective….
Some Salty, Scorching 9/11 Perspective….
Hey Taverneers, As we’re half way through Summer, Autumn will be on us before we know it. And with Autumn comes changing leaves (if you live in a place with deciduous trees), more moderate temperatures, Labor Day, and, our observance of the 9/11 attacks. Below is a commentary from last year on 9/11 by Greg Medford, that I feel, aligns mostly with much of what Mike has been saying for years, and what many of us believe (at least in part, if not wholeheartedly). I’ve posted one of Greg’s talks before on China’s usurpation of our economy. Greg is a knife maker extraordinaire from Arizona. His work ain’t cheap, but his work is all done in the USA, and is of heirloom quality; and, if taken care of, your grandson or granddaughter will be able to pass it along to their children. He is an ex-US Marine, if there is such a thing as an ex-Marine, as many would argue that once you’ve been in the Corps, you’re a Marine for life. Two points of remembrance: Greg is a die hard conservative, and Trump supporter, but, if we’re to be honest, at one point or another, many of us were too, so we need to cut Greg some slack, OK? The other point is Greg and Mike both graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Academy of Extremely Colorful Expletives. In fact, even if you’re used to “salty” language, Greg can really let ‘er rip. Don’t let that deter you. It’s his message and perspective that’s important and meant to be kept in focus here. As 9/11 approaches, Greg’s perspective and analysis are extremely relevant for us today. Remember Mike has encouraged us to flee from the lying mainstream media news outlets and seek out truth tellers. Greg is certainly that. This video is just a month and change from being a year old, so keep that in mind, keep your mind open, and give Greg a listen; he’s your brother from another mother. Once again, it’s time “…for my boot heels to be wanderin.’” Love y’all!
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