Some Salty, Scorching 9/11 Perspective….

  • Some Salty, Scorching 9/11 Perspective….

    Posted by Dana Acker on July 27, 2024 at 10:08 am

    Hey Taverneers, As we’re half way through Summer, Autumn will be on us before we know it. And with Autumn comes changing leaves (if you live in a place with deciduous trees), more moderate temperatures, Labor Day, and, our observance of the 9/11 attacks. Below is a commentary from last year on 9/11 by Greg Medford, that I feel, aligns mostly with much of what Mike has been saying for years, and what many of us believe (at least in part, if not wholeheartedly). I’ve posted one of Greg’s talks before on China’s usurpation of our economy. Greg is a knife maker extraordinaire from Arizona. His work ain’t cheap, but his work is all done in the USA, and is of heirloom quality; and, if taken care of, your grandson or granddaughter will be able to pass it along to their children. He is an ex-US Marine, if there is such a thing as an ex-Marine, as many would argue that once you’ve been in the Corps, you’re a Marine for life. Two points of remembrance: Greg is a die hard conservative, and Trump supporter, but, if we’re to be honest, at one point or another, many of us were too, so we need to cut Greg some slack, OK? The other point is Greg and Mike both graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Academy of Extremely Colorful Expletives. In fact, even if you’re used to “salty” language, Greg can really let ‘er rip. Don’t let that deter you. It’s his message and perspective that’s important and meant to be kept in focus here. As 9/11 approaches, Greg’s perspective and analysis are extremely relevant for us today. Remember Mike has encouraged us to flee from the lying mainstream media news outlets and seek out truth tellers. Greg is certainly that. This video is just a month and change from being a year old, so keep that in mind, keep your mind open, and give Greg a listen; he’s your brother from another mother. Once again, it’s time “…for my boot heels to be wanderin.’” Love y’all!

    Mischief replied 6 months, 2 weeks ago 6 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Jun

    July 27, 2024 at 12:38 pm

    OMG I love this guy!

    I laughed, I cried, I found inspiration!

    Thank God for all good people like Greg.

    God bless America.

  • Karen

    July 27, 2024 at 12:58 pm

    EVERYTHING he says is what I also know to be true. And no one here needs to cut me any slack for my Trump support.

    • Dana Acker

      July 27, 2024 at 3:18 pm

      Don’t mean to intrude, but wasn’t your son a US Marine? If I’m right, how’s he doing? I’ve been praying for the young man in question. I thought it was your son you called in about.

    • Dana Acker

      July 28, 2024 at 8:01 am

      There are a lot of political atheists on the platform (that’s not a criticism, simply an observation). They see all politicians the same, and that is not in a good light. There are never Trumpers, who make up the political left: who hate him because they are irrational crazoids. There are conservatives who don’t like Trump because he’s either not part of the Republican part of the swamp, or he didn’t come to the aid of the January 6 folks who got arrested at the Capital. And there are some who just don’t like any politicians in general. They see Trump as part of the overall problem in this country that is part of the same umbrella both left and right ideologues are under. But nonetheless, I fear that we’re potentially throwing the baby out with the bath water. There are some, perhaps many, who if someone is for Trump, they are immediately ignored. I am against seeing either or any candidate as a savior. Period. But because someone is for one candidate or another, and, that someone is speaking the truth, we are doing a disservice to the truth to shut them off based on the person for whom they may choose to vote. Greg is solidly behind Trump, and I’d hate someone missing his message just because they don’t agree with his choice of candidates. We’re supposed to be above that, if we’re thinking people.

      • kathryn.cascadiankate

        July 28, 2024 at 1:41 pm

        Well said. The deprogramming to get to that point and not be sucked back in with the tasty intel that is unactionable and sometimes horrific, the camaraderie of the rallies and love of America’s ideals and people and the memes and funny videos takes a while.

        Maybe you don’t want to give it all up?

        Maybe you don’t want to ‘give up’?

        Victor Frankl’s ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ spotlighted optimism and hope for the future and connections with others as keys to surviving horrific troubles, poverty and even imprisonment and torture. We don’t know people’s personal situation and should never take any optimism they’ve preserved or worked to gain and maintain away.

        If hugging a Trumpy bear and sliding between Giza dreams sheets is enjoyed, bliss out.

    • Jun

      July 28, 2024 at 9:42 am

      No judgement; criticism; negativity or any SHADE thrown your way @boymom2 .

      Absolutely no disrespect. All we do here is give people a “head’s up” using our “best” available DISCERNMENT at the moment.

      We put our paradigms, hypotheses; theories and conjectures to the test here. Through communication with SMART people like YOU, we can unravel this mess all together.

      This is an INTEL LAB. For practical experimentation, using OURSELVES as guinea pigs. In search of the TRUTH.

      Love Trump all you want, he’s a great guy and I’m sure he wants to make America Great Again as a person. We ALL do.

      I had no idea you’re an undercover PA (polly anna). Truth to power: I am one too. How else do you think I got here? Sick of losing?

      No PAINE: No gain.

      Teamwork makes the Dreamwork.

      God bless you & your family. Jun

      • Karen

        July 28, 2024 at 1:26 pm

        If Dana is referring to your son, please thank him for his service!

  • ElChapo

    July 28, 2024 at 8:10 am

    As a “political atheist,” I couldn’t agree more. Very well said.

  • Mischief

    July 28, 2024 at 8:12 pm

    I love “No Paine, No Gain”. I like him drank the Kool-Aide & joined the Military @ a very young age. I was stationed at Plattsburgh AFB, NY. I was 30 minutes from the Canadian border. It was during a Peace time, I knew then so much about what many are learning now because all the Vietnam Vets were coming back & telling the truths. I was not in a position where I had to worry about fighting, but kept the knowledge that Canada was only 30 minutes away.

    I’m no coward, but I have enough sense to know when someone else is sacrificing people for their financial & political gain.

    With that said, when my sons wanted to join the Marines in 2001, I would not sign off on them. They both went in anyway, they ended up at Al Assad together. That is not supposed to happen with brothers, but far be it for this gov’t do follow rules.

    I have no political affiliation, I’ve voted on both sides, I now know that it yields nothing in this day and age. They will control & manipulate anything they want, all the while trying to convince the masses of their scripted BS.

    In my wildest dreams as a you person, I never dreamed this country would be so corrupt. I guess we learn much as we age, and it’s too bad the kids don’t listen. History. Hmm.

    • Dana Acker

      July 28, 2024 at 8:20 pm

      Hey there, welcome back. We saved your seat at the bar for you.

      • Mischief

        July 29, 2024 at 10:08 am

        I need to come up & visit. My car was totaled in an accident & only have my gas eating truck. I’ll wander that way soon, promise 😊

  • Dana Acker

    July 28, 2024 at 8:18 pm

    Old Greg Medford can stir up a pot, can’t he? Speaking of which, he has cooking videos too??? If you appreciate objects of form, function, and as much artistry as there is utilitarianism, you would enjoy his website. Medford Knife and Tool. Check out his work.

    • Dana Acker

      July 28, 2024 at 8:31 pm

      Medford’s knives, many times have ended up in the hands of our Armed Forces personnel. They are built to take on daunting tasks. He used to include a note on his knife boxes, urging the customer to unbox the knife alone and in private, as his knives tended to provoke the desire to stab something. What a character!

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