“High”-Jacked Psychedelics….

  • “High”-Jacked Psychedelics….

    Posted by dana.acker on October 21, 2022 at 11:09 am

    Earlier this week I had the privilege of being able to have a couple hour long conversation with Dustin Gold, which he put out as Episode 61, both on the public podcast media and on Paine.TV. We covered a lot of strange ground; talking about lost illusions, who are the real bad guys…and who aren’t, also Soviet super soldier research, Nazis, UFO’s most likely aren’t spaceships, kinder and gentler psychedelic drugs for everybody courtesy of our government, small pox infected blankets, and and and and and and and…. Dustin was a perfect gentleman, and allowed me the freedom to run the train off the rails from time to time. Lot’s of fun! After we talked I began to think back about the “Summer of Love,” Ken Kesey’s Further Bus, the Merry Pranksters, and the acid tests, which were, as said above, courtesy of our government, and especially the CIA. Earlier experiments proved disastrous when the CIA began giving government LSD to military personnel, including high-ranking officers unaware. This led to suicides and insanity with some of the military’s best and brightest. Needing an “expendable” demographic to test its LSD on. The “beat” generation out in San Francisco (beatnicks) were the perfect test subjects. Their philosophy and lifestyles were total affronts, counter to the early 1960’s conservative (value-wise, not politically per se) middle-American sensibilities. If they all died or went crazy, who cared? Besides, these strange folks were smoking marijuana!!! So the CIA gave LSD to the dropout generation, and gave birth to hippie movement and what we know today as the drug culture. Now, I know hindsight is 20/20, but when I look back at the beginnings of the drug culture in the 60’s, I think the hippies really blew it. While they were happily dancing to the Grateful Dead, expanding their minds, turning on, tuning in, and dropping out, the CIA was paying close attention. To the hippies LSD was a toy; to the CIA it was a weapon. The hippies should have paid better attention, and society should have been too. The hippie-hating cops and rednecks would never have dreamed that what was going on in the psychedelic era would one day lead to mass created and caused and diagnosed mental illness, and government formulated doses of new government manufactured psychedelic drugs. Dustin has done some incredible research on this topic and can show with authority and credibility that it is the future, and it is coming fast. When I was in Abnormal Psychology class, I was taught that the psychological definition of “abnormal” was, simply, “deviating from the norm.” I would say that most of us on these platforms fit that definition. Therefore if by psychological definition we are abnormal, then we’re potentially candidates for government psychedelics, in order to get our minds right. Give the Dustin Gold Standard, Episode 61 a listen when you get time, and further the conversation here.

    ThePeoplesCities replied 1 year, 5 months ago 8 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • Paige

    October 21, 2022 at 12:17 pm

    Can’t wait to listen!

  • LesTyranny

    October 21, 2022 at 12:29 pm

    I was at the Symposium for the Texas and SouthWest Popular Culture in Albuquerque (because I thought it might be both fun and interesting) – hanging out with Alan Tryst (the organizer’s guest that particular year) and a bunch of college professors who’ve made studying the Grateful Dead as their “career” who called their club “DEAD WOOD” – (statisticians, poets, musicologists., linguists, business management researchers..etc.) – the owner of Ice Nine Publishing (keeper and manager of the Grateful Dead’s intellectual property.

    Alan was quite interested in me (much to the chagrin of the professors, who all wanted his attention) -after explaining to him that I had been in New Mexico to meet Marcellus “Bear Heart” Williams (on his death bed at the time, btw), and he was telling me fascinating stories about his experiences while present during healing ceremonies conducted by another native healer John Pope – “Rolling Thunder” when to my delight , I was told next – about the same event the year before where a very determined and sure group of native people barged into (crashed) their symposium – and took the floor, and lectured the Grateful Dead people about their mis-use of their sacred medicines as a party drug.

    There’s a lot more to this topic – and the question which loomed for years is:

    Why to Psycho-tropics exist in nature ?”

    Herbalist – Stephen Harrod Buhner (hands-down the best in North America, btw)- and who is now friend of mine, after saving my life from Lyme Disease actually set out to answer this question, and does so quite eloquently in this book of his:


    I personally have a real problem with people who have been trained and schooled to fear nature – all of these things are medicine when used properly if they come from nature.

    I could care less what stupid humans and governments have done.

    One of the tenants I live by – and my own quote which I occasionally will still repeat in the right circumstance is:


    • LesTyranny

      October 21, 2022 at 1:12 pm

      Tried, and worked quite hard to edit and improve this reply – never fails, I hit send and all lost.

      FUCK TECHNOLOGY – and the people who pretend to fix it.

      HOURS OF MY LIFE I WILL NEVER GET BACK, meanwhile someone else gets paid for the illusion of fixing it.

      Hey buddy – you owe m me money now, my time is $150 an hour.

      There is no justice.

      • dana.acker

        October 21, 2022 at 5:29 pm

        I’ve had that happen to me, and it’s maddening to watch it suddenly disappear, with no means of retrieving it. I thought you made some very interesting points in your previous post; I’m sorry your work was in vain. One thing I do is write what is destined to become a detailed post as an email to myself, so I can save either the draft or the text in letter form. Then I copy the text and paste it, say here on this site. That might help. But if you should feel like giving it another go, I’d be interested in what you have to say. I appreciate your trying anyway. I have been diagnosed with cancer, and I am convinced that it came from a prescribed (big pharma) medicine. I put a lot of stock in natural and plant based medicines. If I were president (scary thought) I would gather as many of the Native Peoples’ elders, healers, and thinkers, bring them together, and just say help me write policy. I’d be eager for them to teach me what they know, or if they were leery of that (and why shouldn’t they be) then lead me to the path where I can discover it.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by  Dana Acker.
    • dana.acker

      October 21, 2022 at 6:00 pm

      Being a Christian and minister, to attempt to answer your question as to “Why do psychotropics exist in nature?” I’d have to say that God embued or endowed certain plants or fungi with psychotropic properties in order to teach us that which may be difficult to learn otherwise. Said properties could have also been created as medicines to heal body and mind. I think both lines of use are in order. That said properties are good, well intended, and for humanity’s benefit and well being, I have no doubt at all. It’s the man made, for profit and for power “psychedelics” that concern me. And I’m an advocate of anyone’s first excursions into psychedelics be accompanied by a trusted guide to help facilitate a positive experience.

      • Betsy.Ross

        October 23, 2022 at 2:40 pm

        Plants give us healing drugs. Digitalis is always the first that comes to my mind.

        • ThePeoplesCities

          November 1, 2022 at 11:42 pm

          a new study just came out: two doses cures depression. I fucking knew it. Then I forgot. Now looking for kit.

  • ricktom

    October 21, 2022 at 1:28 pm

    Good job Dana. Agree completely with your take on which came first ,the sci-fi or the Satanic implementation. Your Stalin story nails it.

    • dana.acker

      October 21, 2022 at 8:13 pm

      Thanks, the Stalin/HG Wells story is pretty wild. But then again, the Nazis travelled the known world in search of religious artifacts, in hopes their “powers” could be weaponized. A half man, half ape super soldier would be no match (in Nazi thinking) for the Ark of the Covenant blasting out death rays. Of course nowhere in the Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures, the New Testament, or the 2nd Temple Jewish writings or Dead Sea Scrolls, is the Ark of the Covenant portrayed, or described as a weapon. Its significance was always spiritual, never military. It was the place where God’s presence dwelt with His people. Somehow that has been bastardized into lethality in battle. Now some will counter that it is recorded that someone touched it once and died. True, but, not because the Ark was a death machine, but because there were very strict rules regarding the Ark’s transport. It was only to be carried by priests. The incident in question took place when the Ark was placed on an ox cart and someone put their hand on it to steady it. Big mistake. But it was never a weapon. When it was carried into battle situations it went before the army as a reminder of God’s leading.

      • LesTyranny

        October 22, 2022 at 9:48 pm

        I definitely have another reply coming here – just been a very taxing day today here – this is a great discussion, and I can shed more light too – if I can garner the energy to dig out the right links to stuff. T-hanks @dana.acker

        • dana.acker

          October 22, 2022 at 9:53 pm

          Better luck this time! I’m looking forward to reading it. Thanks for you’re willingness to share.

          • LesTyranny

            October 22, 2022 at 10:16 pm

            I am not going to do a very good job of explaining this , however regarding the existence of psychotropics in nature ….


            Basically other neighboring plants use the psycho-tropics when needed – which triggers/promotes a degree of new randomness in portions of their own bio chemistry. Plants are incredible chemists, it is their language and their version of intelligence and they all help each other to promote a healthy eco-system – So a bush next to a peyote cactus will uptake peyote ‘s active ingredients when especially impacted in the situation where there is a new (never before encountered) environmental challenge – thus essentially giving the challenged plant new chemical ideas to hopefully try to overcome the never before encountered challenge. If successful the new success then gets incorporated in the plants DNA hard drive – very much a shot gun approach where thousands of plants will do this, yet if 1 plant then survives the environmental onslaught then it is a success for the survival of the species.

            In other words – basically neighboring plants trip to get new survival ideas – which all occurs within the chemical realm , and or DNA/RNA realm.

            There is a great audio interview where Stephen Buhner describes it all in mind blowing an extremely approachable eloquence – way way better than I just did – but it might take me the better part of a day to go find the right one – i’m still dealing with logistcal issues currently on my trip in Colorado, or I would be able to give it more of my attention….

            You can find Stephen on Youtube in several interviews – but also some links on his own website too, I think …..I haven’t combed his website much lately, here is the link though to this section of his website:…


            He really is one of the true genius’ of our time – his contributions are far too under-appreciated….

  • Paige

    October 22, 2022 at 10:19 pm

    Update: I just finished listening. Great convo. Thank you, Dana and @gold!

  • LesTyranny

    October 22, 2022 at 10:26 pm

    I’m a little dense sometimes – where is the audio for this @Paige – any chance you could post a url link for the neurologically challenged person here who had no internet for close to 2 months when @gold was getting established here – ? Thanks

    • LesTyranny

      October 22, 2022 at 10:30 pm

      Uggg, part of my problem currently is not having a premium membership cuz of my nightmares i Colorado…..

      Have I said “fuck my bank” – yet today ?

      • dana.acker

        October 22, 2022 at 10:45 pm

        You don’t need the premium membership (I think) just the regular one. If that doesn’t work The Dustin Gold Standard is available free (with commercials) at Apple Podcasts, possibly other platforms.

    • SpotTheDog

      October 23, 2022 at 7:14 am
  • dana.acker

    October 22, 2022 at 10:35 pm

    If you log onto Paine.TV and scroll through the podcasts, Dustin’s is interspersed along with Mike’s. The conversation Paigeis referring to is The Dustin Gold Standard Episode 61. It is also available on Apple Podcasts.

  • dana.acker

    October 22, 2022 at 10:40 pm

    They say, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks…” You’ve proved that wrong. Tripping plants for their own survival blows me away (in a good way). I’m not a botanist by any stretch of the imagination, and I’m tempted to go old school, and quote my forbears, “Don’t that just about beat all?” Absolutely fascinating. Thanks for sharing that. As I go to sleep tonight, I’ll have something new to ponder.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by  Dana Acker.
    • dana.acker

      October 22, 2022 at 11:16 pm

      Being a Christian, and believing in a Creator God, I must amend my previous answer as to “…why do psychotropics exist in nature?” I retract nothing I earlier said, and absolutely stand by what I wrote. I just didn’t go far enough. White men tend to be quite man centered; guilty as charged—that’s why it is good to have Native friends. But as the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures record, when God, in the beginning, created everything, He said it was “good.” That would include psychotropics in nature, as surely as it would include undeniable nutritional and medicinal properties in myriad other plants and fungi that were also said to be “good.” But I’ll widen my answer beyond the mere teaching or medicinal value to humans, to include benefits to all of creation. That just makes sense. NOTE: There is no attempt at back door proselytizing going on here. I believe what I believe, and am not ashamed of it. I’ve studied that which underpins my beliefs for close to 50 years, and am convicted of its veracity. However I respect the rights of others who do not see things or believe things my way, and welcome different points of view. Sadly, I know “Christians” who would have a heart attack at the thought of plants imbibing psychotropics from other plants as a survival mechanism given them by a Creator who speaks their language, and provides for their needs. I must pray for them. Shortsightedness isn’t restricted to any one group, but it does appear to be more glaring in some peoples of “faith.” As far as I’m concerned, plants “tripping” further convinces me that “God [indeed] works in mysterious ways; His wonders to perform….”

      • SpotTheDog

        October 23, 2022 at 3:18 am

        It all goes back to the line ” don’t confuse me with fact, I know what I believe ” 😎

  • gold

    October 23, 2022 at 1:47 am

    Dana, great to be here. Reading comments. Looks like a great group of folks you’ve gathered over here!

  • SpotTheDog

    October 23, 2022 at 7:01 am

    Great interview. You guys play well off each other.

  • LesTyranny

    October 23, 2022 at 1:13 pm

    Yes, excellent btw, a most enjoyable listen indeed – thanks @dana.acker @gold

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