Dangerous Debby….

  • Dangerous Debby….

    Posted by Dana Acker on August 5, 2024 at 6:30 pm

    Hey Taverneers, The big news in these parts down this way is Hurricane Debby. It made landfall sometime last night or early this AM in the Florida panhandle as a Cat1 hurricane. It has since been downgraded to a tropical storm, but it is slowing down and is dropping lots of rain on Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, with extensive flooding and power outages. It will be over North Carolina by Thursday and Friday, before moving up the coastline to New England. I spoke with our fellow Taverneer “StopKiryasJoels” who is right in its path, and could be receiving up to 20” of rain in the next couple of days. I live more to the west of the State, and somewhat higher ground, so we shouldn’t shoulder the brunt of things, but East of us all the way to the NC coast we’ve got several Taverneers living who could be in harm’s way. Keep everyone in this storm’s wake in your prayers. AND, ALL TAVERNEERS AFFECTED BY THIS STORM, from Florida to Maine, PLEASE POST HERE on this discussion when you can, and make yourselves known, how you are doing, and what’s happening in your area. Hunker down, batten the hatches, and above all, be safe. This is a time we all need to be here for each other. Love y’all!

    Dana Acker replied 6 months, 1 week ago 4 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • StopKiryasJoels

    August 6, 2024 at 12:11 am

    Got to get propane tanks filled, more chain saw mix, hook a hose for a pool to a gutter down spout, maybe put Mighty Whitey in the garage, caulk some windows, make more ice, make more water channels. I think it’s blowing out to sea & being massively overblown. Maybe I will get 50 or 60 sand bags just in case heard they are free. I found 2 pairs of chest waders at dump swap and shop and they are ready to go. I don’t think I’ll need them for this one. Seems like more deception & Climate Change be scared 😱 propaganda but, still need to prep.

  • StopKiryasJoels

    August 6, 2024 at 6:53 am

    Well they did it, Debby got a head.

  • StopKiryasJoels

    August 7, 2024 at 7:42 am

    Debby Deception:

    Yesterday early AM heard a couple sonic booms. They did not sound like thunder. Then immediately some heavy rain 🌧️ on & off, later a bit of sun wind & calm. This morning it’s breezy no rain yet. We were under 8 warnings yesterday, many life threatening. Unless you went to the beach it would be hard to find sand, because they ran out. Some people did need it due to overbuilding that’s in process everywhere. We’re blessed with a fast draining soil so no bagging for us. Plus I did some channeling. The official narrative was for 15”-20” of rain, compete and utter nonsense. Today was marked PURPLE RAIN DAY, 1/2 of yesterday too. Red Brown Purple are the scary colors. Purple is the you may die color. It looks like the sun is trying to come up now and no rain. Winds were and are supposed to hit 58-72 MPH. The winds are probably gusting 30-40 MPH from the east. Every 10 hours the National Weather Service gave BS updates that I anxiously followed. NOAA + National Weather Service are fodder for Climate Change Narrative. They base weather on readings at airports 40 minutes to an hour away in Wilmington or an hour south of here. Still I love it here and feel so fortunate to have landed here. We didn’t know where we were going when we left just knew we had to go. Feel truly blessed I love this town. The last breeze was probably 50 MPH. Past time to prop the tomato’s up. Hope everyone averts the storms they are cooking up. It’s dribbling rain now no mosquitoes with this breeze… Woops it’s pouring sideways have to check down spouts.

    • WaywardSon

      August 7, 2024 at 5:23 pm

      Sounds a bit intense there. Stay safe.

      • StopKiryasJoels

        August 7, 2024 at 5:36 pm

        It lasted 30 minutes I declared it over utter nonsense fear porn BS.

        • WaywardSon

          August 7, 2024 at 6:16 pm

          The weather fear porn again. They strive to have everyone on edge over everything.

          • Dana Acker

            August 7, 2024 at 9:46 pm

            It was sunny here today, but “they” say the tropical storm will enter southern NC sometime overnight. I’m glad to be wrong about its intensity. Even the “underground” weather guys were “crying wolf.” Glad you’re OK StopKiryasJoels. I’d rather bitch about the fake weather and climate change mongers than to see your kayak come floating by my door. What’s dangerous for us, is that it is the beginning of the grape harvest. 4-5 inches of rain at one shot isn’t life threatening, but 4-5 inches of rain at one shot could potentially destroy all the white grapes which are just ripening, costing farmers potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars. No grapes, no wine. No wine, no money. No money and there’ll likely be a lot of IOU’s under the Christmas trees come December. There doesn’t have to be a foot of water running down the streets. Grapes can absorb water through their skins, and via uptake through the vine from the ground. Too much water in the individual grape berries will cause them to swell and burst open, exposing them to all kinds of bacterial and fungal diseases, and invite animal predation, which is problem enough even when it’s dry. We have to test the grapes for sugar, acid, and pH every day in our lab, as harvest in near. Deer and birds instinctively know which grape clusters are the sweetest, and they’ll tell eat them first. That’s just grapes. We grow a lot of other crops in NC that 4-5 inches of rain in one event could cause havoc to be wrought. Crop insurance is unaffordable for most all farmers. Though I work for a farm, I do not consider myself a farmer, but I respect farmers as much as I do anyone. Everybody else gets all the glory, but the farmer is the one who feeds us all. I haven’t heard any sonic booms, StopKiryasJoels, but you can bet your boots, I’ll be listening very carefully from here out.

    • Dana Acker

      August 7, 2024 at 10:10 pm

      Mike has talked probably hundreds of times about how the “haves” are after the “have nots’” money. Covid was a classic example. Not to get too conspiratorial, but engineered atmospheric conditions leading to severe “controlled” weather, isn’t just the stuff of science fiction. As I said about the grapes, a heavy, lengthy rain event, killing off a majority of farm crops could cost the livelihoods, farms and homes of thousands in one fell swoop. And, speaking of swooping, uber rich blood suckers like Bill Gates, Monsanto, Syngenta, Cargill, Blackrock, et al., will be ready to swoop in and snatch up the foreclosed farms for a song. A farmer in our family, who has farmed all his life (he’s fifty-something) said that it was his impression/prediction that the government was going (and was already working) to destroy the small or family farmers, and eventually control either directly, or through their subsidiaries, all means of food production in the country. I may be a tinfoil hat kind of guy, but he’s certainly not. He sees things exactly as they are, because he deals with them every day of his life in real time. It’s kind of like fossil fuels. The government talks about phasing them out in favor of green energy, but they know that won’t work. They don’t want to phase out the fuels; they want to phase out the current owners. When the government controlls all fuel and food production (and takes the guns) they will then really run the show. They will buy us all out low, and sell high to the CCP.

  • Paige

    August 7, 2024 at 10:48 pm

    Spot on

  • StopKiryasJoels

    August 7, 2024 at 10:54 pm

    Damn down here 2” of rain is normal. 4” seemed like just another day it happens a lot. It should break up. It split in 2 when it hit Florida. Westerly winds should kick in and keep it far away. Hopefully you all catch more sunshine. We’re in Extreme Life Threatening Rain about 1-1/2” today. I can hear the crickets chirping loudly now. 58-72 MPH WINDS were predicted total fear porn along the coast until tommorow. The worst day was 4” winds are about 1/2 the low number. I completely now understand your worries. That said the Weather Service is complete farce unreliable & totally untrustworthy scum. They are trying hard to destroy the food system in any way they can it’s 5th generation warfare on all fronts.

  • StopKiryasJoels

    August 8, 2024 at 10:11 am

    Storm was over yesterday. It was not bad at all yesterday. Last night & today is not bad at all, not much rain at all and calm. Suns coming out. Yet it’s a Tropical Storm with 8 warnings it was all Fear Propaganda. Knew it would be over yesterday. Now you have to be your own Weather Man.

    • Dana Acker

      August 8, 2024 at 12:05 pm

      Yeah, I hate it when they tell me I best not forget my umbrella. I don’t own an umbrella. I have a rain jacket and a hat.

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