“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”
“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”
Greetings Taverneers! My generation (the Baby Boomers) was the first generation who really traveled in mass (mostly by automobile) for recreation. My grandparents had been to Florida once, and my grandfathers had both been overseas during WWI, but by and large American families didn’t get out and “See the USA in your Chevrolet” until the late 1940’s and early 1950’s and beyond. Detroit Iron was pumping out nearly indestructible cars, and, I might add, with incredible style. The country was prospering; people had good jobs, disposable income, and unlike other generations who came before, our fair land was reasonably safe for cross country treks; no horrific Donner Party incidents, or the dire threat of unimaginable reprisals from trespassing on Aboriginal land. Gas was cheap too. So we took to the highways and byways to go see the country. And, as the title of this talk asks, truth be told, most of our parents turned prematurely gray from the incessant “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” coming from the back seat. Most if not all of us bear that guilt. The last almost two weeks, in light of “THE BIG SHOW” going on in the nation and the world, completely blitzkreiging every media outlet in the country, has got me metaphorically incessantly crying out from the backseat of my life, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” I recently commented on how I wanted to go “no news, none of the time,” but there’s no escaping it. No matter where you turn, it’s everywhere! And even if you completely avoid the media, someone will call or text and want to know what I think about the Trump assassination attempt, the Republican Convention, J.D. Vance, the implosion of the Democrats, Joe Biden being dead, Joe Biden not being dead, Joe Biden stepping down, Kamala Harris stepping up, all day long Congressional subcommittee hearings, and the obfuscation by and consequent resignation in shame of the Secret Service Director. And if the events themselves were not enough, we’ve got a million and one radio, network TV, cable TV, and internet pundits speculating about those things of which they have no idea like so many chattering monkeys in the jungle. I subscribe wholeheartedly to what VM said way back in the early days of the T.P. podcast, “Start with the premise that EVERYTHING you hear from the media and from Washington DC is a lie, and work back from there.” But even if you subscribe to that religiously, still it’s hard to escape the constant din and drone of all of it over and over again. I thought the only way I could escape it might be to go into a remote mountain cave and dynamite the entrance. But knowing my luck, once the dust cleared, and I found a comfortable boulder upon which to lean, some Troglodyte from the eons of primordial time would find me in the darkness and ask, “Hey do you think Harris has a chance?” I think our country has lost its collective mind. We have developed (or had foisted on us by whoever “THEY” are) an organic brain disease designed to make us so dumb or so numb that we miss what’s really going on, and that is, perhaps, the largest power and money grab in human history. And the astounding, sad, and frustrating thing is, just how many otherwise “normal” people of above average intelligence believe all or part of the narrative. We are living through our own version of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” Going back to what VM said about it ALL being lies, and then, considering the devil as being described as “the father of lies,” it not only makes the events of the day and their reporting of it ridiculous and stupid; it also makes it evil. Guard your ears carefully. Remember what either Hitler or Goebbels said about if you lie to people long enough, they will eventually accept it as truth. I need a drink, so it must be time for “my boot heels to be wanderin’” as Bob said. All straight liquor half off in the Tavern tonight. Love y’all.
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