“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”

  • “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”

    Posted by Dana Acker on July 25, 2024 at 2:35 pm

    Greetings Taverneers! My generation (the Baby Boomers) was the first generation who really traveled in mass (mostly by automobile) for recreation. My grandparents had been to Florida once, and my grandfathers had both been overseas during WWI, but by and large American families didn’t get out and “See the USA in your Chevrolet” until the late 1940’s and early 1950’s and beyond. Detroit Iron was pumping out nearly indestructible cars, and, I might add, with incredible style. The country was prospering; people had good jobs, disposable income, and unlike other generations who came before, our fair land was reasonably safe for cross country treks; no horrific Donner Party incidents, or the dire threat of unimaginable reprisals from trespassing on Aboriginal land. Gas was cheap too. So we took to the highways and byways to go see the country. And, as the title of this talk asks, truth be told, most of our parents turned prematurely gray from the incessant “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” coming from the back seat. Most if not all of us bear that guilt. The last almost two weeks, in light of “THE BIG SHOW” going on in the nation and the world, completely blitzkreiging every media outlet in the country, has got me metaphorically incessantly crying out from the backseat of my life, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” I recently commented on how I wanted to go “no news, none of the time,” but there’s no escaping it. No matter where you turn, it’s everywhere! And even if you completely avoid the media, someone will call or text and want to know what I think about the Trump assassination attempt, the Republican Convention, J.D. Vance, the implosion of the Democrats, Joe Biden being dead, Joe Biden not being dead, Joe Biden stepping down, Kamala Harris stepping up, all day long Congressional subcommittee hearings, and the obfuscation by and consequent resignation in shame of the Secret Service Director. And if the events themselves were not enough, we’ve got a million and one radio, network TV, cable TV, and internet pundits speculating about those things of which they have no idea like so many chattering monkeys in the jungle. I subscribe wholeheartedly to what VM said way back in the early days of the T.P. podcast, “Start with the premise that EVERYTHING you hear from the media and from Washington DC is a lie, and work back from there.” But even if you subscribe to that religiously, still it’s hard to escape the constant din and drone of all of it over and over again. I thought the only way I could escape it might be to go into a remote mountain cave and dynamite the entrance. But knowing my luck, once the dust cleared, and I found a comfortable boulder upon which to lean, some Troglodyte from the eons of primordial time would find me in the darkness and ask, “Hey do you think Harris has a chance?” I think our country has lost its collective mind. We have developed (or had foisted on us by whoever “THEY” are) an organic brain disease designed to make us so dumb or so numb that we miss what’s really going on, and that is, perhaps, the largest power and money grab in human history. And the astounding, sad, and frustrating thing is, just how many otherwise “normal” people of above average intelligence believe all or part of the narrative. We are living through our own version of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” Going back to what VM said about it ALL being lies, and then, considering the devil as being described as “the father of lies,” it not only makes the events of the day and their reporting of it ridiculous and stupid; it also makes it evil. Guard your ears carefully. Remember what either Hitler or Goebbels said about if you lie to people long enough, they will eventually accept it as truth. I need a drink, so it must be time for “my boot heels to be wanderin’” as Bob said. All straight liquor half off in the Tavern tonight. Love y’all.

    crazypants replied 6 months, 1 week ago 13 Members · 43 Replies
  • 43 Replies
  • Rick

    July 25, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    Im in the process of using @mikes ‘s approach and waiting out any breaking news. Not as an intel guy but as a pragmatist. As I told my wife ,when she ( at hers sisters for the weekend ) texted “ why didn’t you tell me Trump was shot ?” , I responded , because it doesn’t affect us. Not chasing or even acknowledging breaking news is making it easy to treat this crap as an interest , not as something I need to react too. Great post ,@dana.

    • Dana Acker

      July 26, 2024 at 1:07 am

      “Breaking News” has become the electronic version of breaking wind. Whenever “Breaking News” flashes across my TV screen, I open the window and start spraying Lysol around the room.

      • Rick

        July 26, 2024 at 5:39 am


  • WaywardSon

    July 25, 2024 at 3:29 pm

    I appreciate you framing the current state. I too have opted to emotionally step away from the programming of thought and the incessant change of enginered events and narrative.

    • Dana Acker

      July 26, 2024 at 12:53 am

      And on top of the madness ruling the (air) waves, you have to be concerned with bears this season. Do you have grizzlies out your way? I hear they have no sense of humor.

      • Dana Acker

        July 26, 2024 at 12:53 am

        Can’t even take a joke….

    • Dana Acker

      July 26, 2024 at 1:41 am

      I seem to remember a sign that read, “Everything that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…except bears; bears will kill you.” I hope you have some high intensity bear pepper spray, or a magnum pistol, Brother.

    • Jun

      July 26, 2024 at 6:21 pm

      How are you doing after all your post op recovery stuff?

      • WaywardSon

        July 26, 2024 at 7:01 pm

        Hi @Jun thanks for asking. It was more “work” than I anticipated. Along the full knee replacement recovery path with physical therapy I pushed the doc about pain. At my insistence at 4 months in, we ordered MRIs and X-rays and then we discover two aggravating issues. One was a T5-S1 bulging disc (sciatic s1 nerve pressure) and a torn labrum cartilage in the hip socket. The knee replacement is healing good and I have 136 degrees of bend. That is considered very good as 120 is minimum and 130 a desirable target. This is medical care 21st century lol. You got to be your own everything these days! Hope you are well my friend.

        • Jun

          July 26, 2024 at 8:22 pm

          Oh my goodness!

          Talk about trials and tribulations. That’s a very thorny path you endured! You were able to pin point the exact source of the trouble. Seems like you listen to your body very well. That’s a skill set we all need to work on. You did it! Uou fixed a very c

          Congrats on your knee flexibility gains. Now you’re a Beenmyown Dr. Better than having a degree! lol

          • Jun

            July 26, 2024 at 8:24 pm

            *(You fixed a very complex problem by yourself, basically.)

            Good to talk to you again, it’s been a while and I’m happy to hear the good news.

        • Postman

          July 26, 2024 at 10:25 pm

          Glad to hear you’re on the mend. It sickens me to hear just how badly our medical professionals are performing

  • StopKiryasJoels

    July 25, 2024 at 7:26 pm

    Cheers nice synopsis of the mind control, seems to only accelerate under our tyrannical media overlords controls. Right wingers are being labeled globally as domestic terrorists. And the beat goes on. It was cool when Mike mentioned Ice Age Farmer. I was a big fan & follower till he reported on Iran rolling out Biometric ID’s after food shortage riots. Down here it amazes me how many people are getting high. It’s to be expected. I will say vast majority realize it’s a takedown.

    • Dana Acker

      July 26, 2024 at 1:00 am

      Where is down here? “Down here” in NC, once all the mills moved offshore, the only economy left for many was the drug trade. Drug addiction in a country is less a product of poor character, but rather poor leadership and their greed. They sold the souls of their constituents, for the lust of power and money.

      • donna.b-2-11

        July 26, 2024 at 7:47 am

        All the beautiful Mills just gone now there trendy loft apartments

        • Dana Acker

          July 26, 2024 at 8:41 am

          In my town too.

      • StopKiryasJoels

        July 26, 2024 at 8:18 am

        We’re a few hours south in South Carolina. People seem to realize the deal more down here. Just talked to a poly pouch sales rep lady. She’s home schooling 4 children & looking for land to raise livestock in Florida. She said for years the base in Alabama had co-ed education. They just changed the policy due to too many pregnancy’s of freshman.

  • donna.b-2-11

    July 25, 2024 at 8:02 pm

    Gen x here ,are we there yet ,no sit back and watch the country go by.enjoy the show 😀 they really won’t turn the car around and go home 😂. Ah yes to have a nice Chevy with a big V8 motor.Thanks for bring up the good memories.

    • Dana Acker

      July 26, 2024 at 12:38 am

      Oh, how did we ever survive as a species without TV screens imbedded in the back of car seats? We poor unfortunates actually had to look at passing majestic scenery, count license plates, and fight with siblings. The horror!!!

    • Dana Acker

      July 26, 2024 at 12:41 am

      And, no seatbelts in those magnificent gargantuan gas guzzling beasts!

      • SpotTheDog

        July 26, 2024 at 5:35 am

        And a backseat big enough for a slow comfortable screw 😎

  • Jun

    July 26, 2024 at 12:04 am

    How about missing the onboarding & departure? I’m a cuspie and so a boom/x straddler. I feel like I missed the flight: The rest of the country is on their way to a foreign land without me.

    We’ve all bailed out of that x-country road trip already. Huffing it back home on foot & wishing the happy vacationers luck. Some of us have camped out along the route, others hustling on the wayside.

    But that’s not good enough. EVERYBODY’s gotta get on that big jumbo jet & be global jet setters now. New generations of does and deers asking “Are we there yet?”

    But WE are not on that Jumbo Jet Plane. These people are flying to a destination wedding and not coming back. A black wedding.

    Resistance is not futile, no matter what the Borg say. This battle is a battle for the MIND, and by extension the SOUL.

    What WE are asking is are we at the Kingdom of Heaven yet? On Earth as it is in Heaven. THAT’s OUR home. I protect it: My mind & soul (of course I try to stay in shape & maintain a healthy physical condition).

    • Dana Acker

      July 26, 2024 at 12:33 am

      Yes, my doctors have been telling me for 70 years now that I should be doing that…staying in shape and maintaining a healthy physical condition. There are times I think I should have listened.

      • Jun

        July 26, 2024 at 6:12 pm

        A stronger physical condition has allowed me to apply my new found strength and vitality to the practice of the virtues of life.

        I find that much of the time it requires much physical discipline as well as mental discipline.

        Case in point: Equanimity, serenity, gratitude and love in the face of harsh reprisals and illogical and unjust circumstances that require you to sacrifice your wants and needs and ego desires. For example things that make you want to snap and yell; to get scared; get anxious; to give in and give up. Worst case: blame; accuse; criticize and judge.

        When Jesus says the only way to heaven is through me. I take it to mean practice virtues daily like Jesus and you will get into heaven: Master the spiritual practices of Virtue. Our Father in Heaven provides the miracles. We have to be good boys & girls and actually practice the virtues of life. Why else would he appear as a humble man? He was obedient to God (he did not have messiah complex, lol). He was a messenger giving us a message THROUGH HIS EXAMPLE. My faith is directed toward God and not human beings.

        Physical strength and mental clarity allows me to receive the messages with less STATIC: LOUD & CLEAR.

        • Dana Acker

          July 27, 2024 at 9:20 am

          That is why both sides of the aisle seeing and promoting their respective candidates as saviors is troubling to me. It makes me think that whenever the time is that the antichrist comes to power, it’s going to be a similar scenario. It will be chaotic times and he/she/it will come promising peace and safety, and the masses will trip over themselves to get to vote for them.

          • Jun

            July 27, 2024 at 10:56 am

            Brother Dana,

            You took the words RIGHT out of my mouth.


        • kathryn.cascadiankate

          July 27, 2024 at 1:38 pm

          That is the dynamic the church veers off of, time after time (with help). Balance of the Supernatural and demonstration of God’s power and constant pursuit of virtue and character. A call for holiness – that is not do’s and don’ts and restrictions layered on to ‘help us’, but daily surrender and sensitivity to righteousness, peace and joy flowing in the Holy Ghost. Set apart.
          The personification of AntiChrist is aligned with the anti-Anointing spirit of the Age gaining ground. People who honor God’s Word and carry power and flow in a Supernaturally graced as needed lifestyle are a huge problem for the enemy’s plans and works.
          This is why Christian is included in the ‘coexist’ and the world religion compound because plenty of them are identified that way with tradition, social networking pursuits and tame, tepid, timid souls. Mental agreement and doing what looks good and suits them. Lukewarm soothies.
          We are to come in the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit, but also a continuously improving and transformed, joy filled, heart peace, loving life, God and people excessively.
          I got my spiritual house in order during a year of blindness and got re-empowered. One of the things I asked for direction on, was how do you know you are doing enough? Persecution
          You will get it for power, you will also get it for character, because darkness fights back at light when it is exposed.
          Those of us who got bolder and took public stands against the shutdowns are going to be specifically targeted this round by media, banks, internet communication and advertising access and WEF infiltrated and supported churches who complied the last round.
          I like throwdowns. God always backs me.

          (I like your posts and comments @Jun – welcome to the jungle)

          • Jun

            July 27, 2024 at 3:16 pm

            Your words were received like a cool breeze blowing away hot stagnant air: A divine Zephyr that dispells murky clouds of delusion of doubt and fear.

            Thank you for sharing your light and truth. You are indeed standing on a rock solid foundation: This is it, we must be our OWN church. A sacred temple that houses a spark of the divine. Keep it pure, keep it safe.

            I will lend myself spirit, mind and body toward the establishment of a Heavenly Kingdom on Earth as it is exists in Heaven.

            Amen and blessed be His name.

            • kathryn.cascadiankate

              July 27, 2024 at 4:42 pm

              That little Zephyr tasty in Acts was a rhema word for me when I was blind. When we walk in the room it should be a lift and a freshening and bring a smile. Except for the baddies, they can eat, poop and pound sand.

            • Jun

              July 27, 2024 at 8:12 pm

              Yes, you do that in our virtual “rooms” here. Bless your heart.

  • Dana Acker

    July 26, 2024 at 1:30 am

    I just saw an old film clip officially announcing the introduction of “the honorable Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States.” I’ve never really paid attention, but when did we drop “the honorable” from in front of the President’s name? If Nixon was considered “honorable” what does that say about those who have occupied the Oval Office since…?

    • Jun

      July 26, 2024 at 8:33 pm

      Are we actually devolving into a brain damaged society like the one depicted in IDIOCRACY? Vaxxs; pollutio;, toxins all over and a base consciousness that drags the illuminated ones together with it down to the gutters? A world of ignorance?

      Things like what you mention, the loss of order and decorum, make me wonder at times…

      • kathryn.cascadiankate

        July 27, 2024 at 4:48 pm

        There are reports from autopsys of people taking mood management meds that their brains are shrinking into walnut sized lumps. The Ozempic drugs too are designed to consume fat, which your brain is heavily made of. Low fat diets, empty foods that look healthy from demineralized soils deplete us too. The contrast in people gets more distinct all the time. ‘The grays’ want us gray and gay, but we say nay, pray and stay in play.

        • Paige

          July 27, 2024 at 11:56 pm

          Yes! Pray fiercely.

        • ElChapo

          July 28, 2024 at 8:20 am

          Many years ago a Bavarian farmer told me the reason he uses cow manure over synthetic fertilizers. He said that synthetic fertilizers distort cell growth in the vegetable and in his opinion this is not natural and is detrimental to the human system. He said there is nothing better than good old cow shit and he will not change that for the world. He said from what he knows of America, we have completely shit our farmland up. He further stated that our wheat is shit and the Italian wheat is superior because of the same principle followed by Italian farmers, this is one reason why Italian pasta is superior and is not fattening.

          • kathryn.cascadiankate

            July 28, 2024 at 1:24 pm

            I would agree, the soil depletion is something that can be remedied with cover crops and growing things that pull up more minerals. With pesticide residue and glyphosate its worse and might not be remedied safely for a long time.

            For mine, I use quail droppings composted for at least 6 months and mineralize my containers and raised beds pretty heavily with Azomite. Soil is so rocky here and cold, not much is grown in beds.

            • ElChapo

              July 28, 2024 at 3:16 pm

              Like Mike says, “…we have to be our own doctors, lawyers, mechanics, carpenters, …” and now farmers. Good on you! Excellent advice, I will look into your techniques! Thanks!

          • Dana Acker

            July 29, 2024 at 10:02 am

            The winery/distillery for whom I work is located right in the middle of an Amish community. They feel the same way about manure fertilizer. I’ve never met an overweight, or sickly Amish person. They work 12-16 hours a day, and their grip when you shake hands is like an iron vise. And, they are very quick witted too. There’s something too about a diet of all natural meat and vegetables.

            • ElChapo

              July 29, 2024 at 5:49 pm

              Old school is the best school.

          • Bob

            August 3, 2024 at 11:54 am

            Manure management is a crucial element in land management. Many of the European farmers know how to do it right and refused to buy into the DuPont, ADM, Conagra etc ‘big ag’ methods that have ruined our soils…and thus the food raised on them. This short presentation illustrates the extremes when it comes to utilizing manure as a soil amendment and highlites it’s potential benefits when properly handled and included as only a part of a system that is necessary to produce nutritionally superior food: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7rkhpuHFgQg

          • crazypants

            August 3, 2024 at 8:38 pm

            A great read DIRT TO SOIL by Gabe Brown. Also Mark Ervin from GREEN GROWS BIOLOGICALS. Think he has a you tube channel. He was a anthropologist studying how indigenous people fed their millions of people on the (surprisingly) poor soil in the amazon. He actually found ancient compost piles of charred wood and fish. He has a product called bio char that will make you think Jack of beans talk fame stopped by.

  • Jun

    July 27, 2024 at 8:14 pm

    “The grays’ want us gray and gay, but we say nay, pray and stay in play.”

    Love it, LOLol.

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