Abroad And At Home….

  • Abroad And At Home….

    Posted by Dana Acker on October 25, 2024 at 3:03 pm

    Hey Taverneers, Jimmy Buffett wrote a song a couple of years before his death, “We’ve Got a Lot to Drink About.” Indeed we do. We’ve got the craziest EFFING politics ever, life ending and altering storms, war drums beating everywhere, and those are just the confirmed ones; fill in the blanks on the more conspiratorial ones of which there’s no shortage. But with all the mayhem around us, with which we are inundated every day 24/7, let’s purpose not to forget those of our number who are enduring health problems, either of their own, or those of a loved one. Donna B. is going through it with her husband, Carrie is too with a very sick friend, Les Tyranny has really been through the wringer as well—bitten by a Tarantula!!! (I saw photos of the wound), and also do check out our alternate discussion site CANCER TOWN. It doesn’t take 20/20 vision to see that right here at the Paine.TV universe, and closer to home on the Tavern and Cancer sites (among many) we’ve got plenty to pray for and support in any way we can. I won’t go into my story again, but to say there were so many Tavern members who kept me afloat both during and after Trish’s ordeal. It’s a debt I can never repay. Now it’s time to share that same love and support to our own who are suffering either themselves, or ministering to someone who is. There are folks among us who run out of money before they run out of month, there are people mourning loss, folks who are depressed or who are living proof that sometimes life just sucks. Please reach out as your heart leads. Really, when the walls are crumbling around you, and nothing seems sure, a kind message in your Paine.TV inbox just saying saying someone is thinking of you, or praying for you might just be the thing that gets you through that day’s crisis. That much I know. Or if you don’t “message,” post it here at the Tavern. There’s no wrong way to show kindness and support. YOU PEOPLE (Taverneers 😉) are some the greatest folks I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet and know. Don’t let the world wear you down. We get by any way we can, and who’s to judge; but we also, like the Ranger creed, “You never leave a fallen comrade behind” (paraphrased). We never get so down that we can’t send that message, and that message might make an unfathomable difference. 🙏🙏🙏 Love y’all!

    WaywardSon replied 3 months, 1 week ago 9 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Dana Acker

    October 25, 2024 at 3:08 pm

    Wayward Son, how’s that knee holding up?

    • WaywardSon

      October 25, 2024 at 7:10 pm

      Hey Dana, I just read your nice post about being thoughtful of everyone and being supportive of all the folks that are struggling with medical financial and other personal matters here on Paine. I appreciate you asking me. To be perfectly frank it’s not great news. My knee replacement was a failure and I’ve been spending the past six weeks investigating what I’ll need to do to fix it. The short story is it looks like the prosthetic has loosened and I’m going to need a revision surgery, which is a little more dicey and risky when making a second pass inside that knee and the bones. Not to mention I’ve been out of work since August 2023 and unemployment ran out just a week or more ago. Despite it not being much it was a grateful bit of money coming in. I was never unemployed in 40 years until last summer. Thankfully, I’ve got a wonderful lady who’s been married to me 35 years and we’ve been together 40. Nancy is an incredible woman, and certainly my best friend. And of course, I have the folks here to interface with and unload on while we have a little bit of fun along the way. It’s very kind of you to think of me. On the bright side, I’ve been able to use some of this time to explore our surroundings and take in some beautiful outdoor views. I may have a decent shot at a local job here, God willing. So I ask you all to keep me in your prayers that work comes through, and I get the right doctor and the right medical treatment to get this knee back in good order.

      • Op_Tweeter

        October 25, 2024 at 10:57 pm

        In my prayers every night my friend. Hoping something in this journey leads you to a successful surgery.

        • Karen

          October 26, 2024 at 7:50 am

          I second that sentiment! Wishing you the best, Wayward.

          • WaywardSon

            October 26, 2024 at 10:52 am

            Thank you very much.

          • WaywardSon

            October 26, 2024 at 11:05 am

            Thanks so much.

      • Dana Acker

        October 25, 2024 at 11:45 pm

        You got it Bro!

        • WaywardSon

          October 26, 2024 at 11:05 am

          I appreciate the prayers. Thank you.

      • BrodyDog

        November 5, 2024 at 1:33 pm

        Hey, @WaywardSon just saw your comment. Hope the knee and job opportunity take a turn for the better. Saying prayers here. I appreciate you taking time to talk a while back.

        • WaywardSon

          November 5, 2024 at 6:11 pm

          Thanks for checking in @BrodyDog – I really appreciate it. It was a pleasure speaking with you as well! We are living in interesting times. The knee will require a revision surgery, so I am seeking second and third opinions. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. I had a good call today on a potential position that I will pursue further. Fingers crossed.

  • SpotTheDog

    October 25, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    @dana.acker this is what everyone needs to maintain their core group! I’ve been following the Drs. Bailey (Sam and Mark) now for a little over a year and they definitely know that the MIC (medical industrial complex) is junk, as they have both left that system. The more we can lead the herd away from the MIC, the better we will all become!

  • Dana Acker

    October 26, 2024 at 12:11 am

    Hey everybody, this just in from Donna B. this evening: “I lost my love today, sure do appreciate your prayers.” Please remember her and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Trust me, this a tough one.

    • Karen

      October 26, 2024 at 7:49 am

      Dear Donna, Please accept my deepest condolences on the loss of your sweet love. There is nothing that can be said to ease your pain, so please know that you and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers.

      • WaywardSon

        October 26, 2024 at 11:10 am

        @donna.b-2-11 Please accept our since condolences on your loss. We are very sorry. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family during a difficult time.

  • StopKiryasJoels

    October 26, 2024 at 12:59 pm

    @donna.b-2-11 So sorry for your loss you and your family & in my prayers.

  • donna.b-2-11

    October 27, 2024 at 5:16 pm

    Thank you

  • kathryn.cascadiankate

    October 30, 2024 at 2:22 pm

    I’m back – and not going to try to catch up. Onward and forward and shields up.

    • Dana Acker

      November 4, 2024 at 12:34 pm

      Glad to have you back! Jump on in; the water is warm!

  • kathryn.cascadiankate

    November 4, 2024 at 3:28 pm

    Having 5 sons, my immediate thought was someone been peeing in the pool, but ladylike sensibilities have steered me into receiving a cordial welcome. Thank you!

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