(FREE) PAINE IN THE MORNING: 11 things you need to know this Tuesday – September 28, 2021

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Study: Biden’s Legislative Agenda to Kill 5.3 Million Jobs, Generates $4.5 Trillion Debt –President Biden’s big government legislative agenda will kill 5.3 million jobs and generate $4.5 trillion in debt, according to a Monday study by the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

The study also suggests the United States’ gross domestic product (GDP) will be reduced by $3.7 trillion, nearly the cost of the massive $3.5 trillion reconciliation package. – READ MORE

Massachusetts Police Union Says ‘Dozens’ Of Troopers Have Quit Over Vaccine Mandate – A Massachusetts police union said Friday that dozens of state troopers have resigned over the state’s vaccine mandate for state employees.

The State Police Association of Massachusetts (SPAM) filed a lawsuit to delay Republican Governor Charlie Baker’s vaccine mandate earlier this month, arguing that the October 17 deadline would cause “irreparable harm” to officers. The union asked for more time to “negotiate the terms and conditions of their employment.” – READ MORE

Norway Celebrates End of Coronavirus Restrictions – The people of Norway celebrated the end of coronavirus restrictions on Sunday after an abrupt announcement from the prime minister.

According to the Associated Press (AP) the celebrations in some of Norway’s biggest cities that police were deployed not to punish people for wearing masks but to quell the “dozens of disturbances and violent clashes” as people piled into the streets, bars, restaurants, and nightclubs. – READ MORE

Democrat Gov. Hochul Says Un-Vaxxed Christians ‘Aren’t Listening To God,’ ‘God Wants’ You Vaccinated – New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) said at a Sunday mass in the Bronx that Christians who are not vaccinated against COVID “aren’t listening to God,” adding that God wants them vaccinated.

The Democrat notably made the comments one day before her vaccine mandate for health care workers takes effect. The controversial order has already sparked health care worker shortages around the state. – READ MORE

UK Tells People To Stop “Panic Buying” As “Winter Of Discontent” Fears Emerge – UK politicians are in utter panic as similarities to the 1970s-style “winter of discontent” of shortages and socio-economic distress could rear its ugly head in the coming months, according to Reuters.

A significant driver in what could very well be a hellacious winter for Brits is soaring natural gas and electricity prices that have already disrupted segments of the UK economy and sent shockwaves through energy markets, chemical producers, and the food industry, among others. Compound this all with labor shortages thanks to Brexit, and the dire situation may worsen. – READ MORE

Panic Hoarding Gasoline Begins As UK Plunges Towards “Winter Of Discontent” – One day after oil giant BP warned about rationing gasoline and diesel at UK service stations, Brits began to panic buy fuel as the government tried to calm fears.

Lines of cars and trucks are spilling over into the streets at service stations across the country. A BP spokesperson said Thursday that a truck driver shortage has resulted in its inability to transport fuel from refineries to its network of service stations. These words spooked the public, which could cause a more severe shortage due to the hoarding. – READ MORE

Fauci Flop? New Documentary About COVID Czar Fails To Disclose Box Office Results – A new documentary called “Fauci,” released by National Geographic Documentary Films two weeks ago, honors Dr. Anthony Fauci’s work to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic and COVID-19 pandemic. Since the release two weeks ago, there’s been no data on ticket sales by major film sites, according to Just The News.

The new documentary was released in theaters across York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, D.C., and New Orleans on Sept. 10. No major film site, including RottenTomatoes.com, Boxoffice Pro, IMDB.com, and BoxOfficeMojo.com, has calculated ticket sales or earnings for the film. – READ MORE

Before They Were An Inconvenience, But Now The Shortages Are Really Beginning To Sting – Have you noticed that store shelves are starting to get emptier and emptier? During the panic shopping that was sparked by the start of the COVID pandemic in 2020, there were very intense shortages of certain items, but those shortages did not last very long at all. But now there are widespread shortages in just about every sector of our economy, and they are starting to become quite painful. Unfortunately, we are being told to expect the shortages to intensify as we head into the holiday season. That is extremely alarming, because in many areas the shortages are already quite severe. – READ MORE

“They Were Seeing Blood”: Bombshell Report Details CIA’s ‘Kidnap Or Kill’ Plans Against WikiLeaks’ Assange – A bombshell Yahoo News investigation published Sunday is being called the most important deep-dive exposé in years detailing the lengths the CIA and US national security state went to nab WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange while he was holed up at the Ecuadoran embassy. US officials were even having meetings discussing possible assassination of the man who exposed so many secrets of American military and clandestine actions abroad.

Dozens of US intelligence officials, including many who had served under the Trump administration, are now confirming the CIA considered “options” for kidnapping and/or assassinating Assange and that plans were mulled over at the highest levels of CIA leadership. “More than 30 former U.S. officials — eight of whom described details of the CIA’s proposals to abduct Assange,” are sourced in the report, which further reveals the CIA targeted journalists who worked closely with WikiLeaks, including Glenn Greenwald. – READ MORE

The FBI Has Released 2020 Crime Statistics–And the Murder Rate Increase Will Shock You – The FBI’s annual report Monday made official what most unfortunately presumed: The United States in 2020 experienced the biggest rise in murders since the start of national record-keeping 60 years ago.

The Uniform Crime Report detailed a murder increase of nearly 30 percent.

The previous largest one-year change was a 12.7 percent increase back in 1968. The national rate of murders per 100,000, however, still remains about one-third below the rate in the early 1990s. – READ MORE

NYC Fast Resembling San Fran & Vancouver ‘Cities Of The Walking Dead’ As Junkies, Dealers Take Over Midtown Streets With Impunity – A lengthy weekend exposé in The New York Post has chronicled how the outgoing de Blasio administration’s long turning a blind eye has allowed the Garment District and some midtown Manhattan streets to increasingly resemble the deteriorating zombie-like feel of the open drug use problem in places like San Francisco, or Vancouver in Canada. It also calls to mind the reputation of an open-air crime infested drug den and “fear city” that came to define daily life and commutes in the 1970s and 1980s – also following more than a year of the Covid-induced exodus of people moving out of the city.

“New York City has become the city of The Walking Dead,” a former NYPD detective, Michael Alcazar, who also teaches at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, told The Post. The publication quoted neighbors and eyewitnesses who live near 35th and 36th streets, who say that busy sidewalks are now “littered with used needles, broken glass crack pipes, trash, urine, and feces” – and one can increasingly see junkies shooting up in broad daylight. – READ MORE

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