Reply To: Arkanside

  • WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

    June 13, 2021 at 4:25 pm

    My question is; what is it going to take to implicate the Clintons in what they’re doing? We all know the system is beyond corrupt but there are two things that I’ve seen always work.

    The first is Money, hitting people where it hurts. Like if half of America decided to defer their taxes for an entire year 😉

    The second is large amounts of people making lots of noise. For example what currently is happening with AMC/GameStop and exposing the corrupted hedge funds.

    Maybe, we need to make some noise, if we can grow this platform large enough then we can actually coordinate, just like Redditors did to make some positive change and at the very least put the Clintons back into the spotlight.