World Economic Forum – The Great Reset

  • DrtyBrd1776

    June 18, 2021 at 10:38 pm

    These arrogant pricks think they know what’s best for ALL! But, they have to do it from afar. I’d like to see them come to my neck of the woods and start knocking on doors. Knowing my neighbors, they wouldn’t make it off the street.

  • SteelyDante

    June 18, 2021 at 10:44 pm

    The Third Reich never really went away, it just evolved.

    • kevin.strahota

      June 21, 2021 at 2:04 pm

      The authoritarian ideology is is as old as human history in one form or another. This is the battle of good and evil, free will vs totalitarian control.

      2.5 years ago I got on a soap box with a group of friends and outlined how the Nazi war machine was purposefully imported to the US after WWII and we were about to see it rear it’s ugly head in our country. They all looked at me in stunned silence. Over the next year I was slowly excommunicated from this circle as I had become a crazy crack pot conspiracy theorist. Well, my analysis aged well,but their reaction to it did not.

      Some of these “friends” know I was right and have been slowly admitting it, some know and won’t admit it, and some have just planted their head in the sand unwilling to look because they’re terrified or believe these sociopaths actually have our best interests in mind. Scary.

      • SteelyDante

        June 21, 2021 at 9:57 pm

        Indeed, the Nazi ideology was imported thanks to Allen Dulles and the CIA (criminal elite Wall St. establishment) with Operation Paperclip, the alliance with Reinhard Gehlen to “fight” communism and the assimilation of Nazi war criminals into U.S. aerospace, medicine and science. Lots of Nazi DNA in the CIA and other Deep State intel agencies and the World Economic Forum is akin to the Fourth Reich. Hell, there are things that I used to look at as crazy and conspiracy theories but COVID and the exploitation of it to achieve a New World Order dispelled me of any such notions. We are watching it play out in real time.

  • SteelyDante

    June 19, 2021 at 6:30 pm
  • SteelyDante

    June 21, 2021 at 10:27 pm

    WEF list of corporate partners shows how it is that all of that plexiglass was mysteriously on hand and ready to install last year:

    These corporations are determined to destroy you.

  • briank

    July 31, 2021 at 10:41 am

    I recently read the statement written by Hans Staub explaining the Great Reset. Besides his insane words, the most troubling thing was the list of supporting corporations. The list was all encompassing and went on forever. It explains why nobody has openly blamed the Chinese for the Covid “accident”. It proves that they are all in on it!

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