Reply To: Dustin Gold Standard Episode 144….

  • kathryn.cascadiankate

    February 4, 2023 at 9:20 pm

    Really ENJOYING your talk with @gold !!! The spiral staircase illustration is so helpful on so many eternal/temporary engagements in discovery.

    My prayer friends are expecting lots of trouble and persecution of everyone who even just stands for being a human with a right vs wrong value system. Fire not just tearing some statues down. Not a new playbook of course.

    I tell my pastor and church friends that this is more of an ‘indiana jones’ kind of Christian time, but we also try to walk daily “The Practice of the Presence of God” in every humble task and human kindness. Brother Lawrence wrote this small book in the 17th century and it helps when considering the chaos in our time since God also has a very sweet and simple relationship for us.

    Like Dustin is learning with baby W.G. our value doesn’t come from how much we know, it is how much we are loved.

    I also like your encouragement to live deep in the actual Bible and not relying on what others teach. I have been trying to learn and memorize it for well over 50 yrs and I still discover delightful and challenging insights that are just what I need or that I can help someone with. It’s very much being up and down that spiral staircase in God’s library of wisdom and love. Sometimes I will get caught up in a few chapters for months and revisit them again still finding richness.

    What a great job honoring how God has taught and kept you and how you are trying to be like Jesus, growing in wisdom, stature, favor with God and man. Thank you.