Reply To: A Tale of Two (three, four, five, six?) COVID’s…?

  • Jun

    June 17, 2022 at 9:31 pm

    Welcome back Dana! Glad to hear you’re on the mend. My family went through a bout of spring virus also. Sounds like you had it worse than any of us, but it does remind me of what I went through at the start of 2020 a little before the “official” start of the CV-hysteria. Severe Acute Reparatory Syndrome, I’d call it, from a Corona virus. I remember they (Research scientists in Korea, Japan and Italy) had ID’d at least 6-8 strains of the stuff back then, so there’s got to be tons of other varieties (mutations) by now. All this, and what exactly the illusive SARS-CoV-2/Covie-19 actually is has yet to be even ID’d (outside of computer models generated to produce the Spike protein for the mRNA gene therapy).

    My take on it is that various strains of the military lab-created SARS corona virus was spread-around by our friendly neighborhood biochemists in various locations at the start of the campaign. I was taken-out by one of those back then (I only say that because the symptoms more severe than your average run-of-the-mill flu season cough & fever flu).

    With the power of some inductive & deductive reasoning based on observations since then, I think it’s safe to assume that after 2-3 years of isolation, masking and distancing, some of these strains have incubated and strengthened as opposed to the usual weakening associated with mutations running their normal course of behavior.

    I’m seeing lots of this type of wallop-packing flu going around all over the place throughout the Spring and going into Summer. These things never had a chance to die-out and/or weaken. Similar patterns were already occurring with seasonal colds and flus pre-CV-hysteria just from changing weather patterns of milder winters and longer Summer/Fall seasons.

    This does not exclude the possibility of a reintroduction of fresh strains again, now in 2022. But even without that, these Spring and Summer flus can be explained this way I think.

    As for SADS, unless you get an mRNA gene therapy shot and accompanying boosters, I really would not worry about it if I were you. All indications point toward death from the effect of the Spike protein. Like you and many others here and elsewhere, I have friends and acquaintances whom have died quite suddenly and unexpectedly in the prime of their lives, God rest their souls.

    I thank God you received proper medical attention and avoided any of the shenanigans that doomed so many lives during the height of hysteria. Bless you!

    So nice to have you back, I need to go back and look at all the discussions here but I finally posted something here, even though it wasn’t an original, at least I thought it’d be good Green Dragon Tavern discussion material.
    Rest up. Plenty of fresh air, chicken soup and liquids. Much love to you Dana!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by  Jun. Reason: Some code got mixed into the body of the text, inexplicably. The edited post was rejected so I am reposting sans-funny code. Also cannot delete the previous post for some reason