Reply To: The De-Population Campaign

  • witchesbrew1

    June 17, 2021 at 10:37 am

    From what i have gathered by a lot of reading and reflection

    This injection are under “viral priming technique “which basically is the unproven theory that they will inject you a substance to provoke and immune reaction that may or may not immunize you from the virus.

    The thing is that this theory failed when it was practice on rats and ferrets that died after they received mrNA injection of Sars and were exposed to the wild virus .

    the immune reaction was severe

    They developed a viral enhancement syndrome which was such a brutal autoimmune response they died of massive cytokines storms

    i believe that an exposure to a wild sars virus or a spiked virus can probably trigger a strong immune response if you are primed

    The flu virus is spiked naturally that is my personal concern

    Or my theory