Chinese Version of TikTok Limits Kids’ Usage to 40 Minutes a Day

The Chinese version of TikTok, an app called Douyin, is reportedly introducing a “teenage mode” that will limit the amount of time children below the age of 14 are allowed to spend on the video app to 40 minutes a day.

CNN reports that the Chinese TikTok app, Douyin, is introducing a “teenage mode,” that will limit the time that users below the age of 14 can spend on the app to 40 minutes a day. The new rule will apply to all Douyin users under the age of 14 that have registered for the app using their real names, according to a recent statement from ByteDance, the Chinese parent company of TikTok.

Users below the age of 14 will also not be able to access Douyin at all between the ages of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. ByteDance urged parents to help their children register with real names or manually enable “teenage mode.”

Douyin will also be introducing new content ranging from science experiments to art exhibitions to “inspire” teenagers. Analysts at Citigroup Global markets wrote in a research note its week that limiting the usage of younger Douyin users was a “proactive measure” by ByteDance to get ahead of possible government regulation. – READ MORE

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